Time To Join Me And Build Yourself A Better Life

19 years ago, I never would have guessed I’d be a writer. Maybe like you, I’d never actually written anything. And aside from snapshots of my travels and friends, I’d never taken pictures, either. Fast forward 19 years and now I do both. Fresh out of college, my...

Want To Become A Travel Writer? Celebrate Every Step…

For most of my life, I’ve felt like I’m either climbing up a mountain… or heading down the other side, wondering what my next climb will be. There’s something very special about this. And I can’t tell which part I like more—the climb up, or the relaxing, reflecting...
Instantly Improve Your Photo By Applying The Rule Of Thirds

Instantly Improve Your Photo By Applying The Rule Of Thirds

Have you “given someone the cold shoulder” lately? These days, Millennials call it “ghosting.” But the original “cold shoulder” expression comes from a social custom in medieval England whereby hosts would literally give an overstaying guest a cold cut of meat to let...

Photo Tips To Get You Back Shooting This Summer

I have a confession to make… I haven’t taken my camera out in six months. Now, I know… I know… even though I’m not a professional photographer, I’m supposed to be better at this whole photography thing than you are because I work with professional photographers and...

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