Buying A Camera — Tips For Getting It Right

If you’re spending a lot of time (and money) buying a camera, you’re doing it wrong.  Camera bodies come and go.  It’s the lens and the brand of camera you decide to invest in that makes a good investment.   Pretty soon—I’d say in the next five to six years—most...

Take Amazing Photos — Starting With The 2-Minute Rule

Last week I read about a simple “two-minute rule” to beat procrastination and get more done.  I’ve been using it. And it works. Here it is: Make a list of your goals and give each of them two minutes of your time. Want to take better pictures?  Spend two minutes...

Getting Started In Travel Writing—You Need To Take That First Step

Last Tuesday I told my son Warner—who’s 5—that he’s special.  I didn’t exactly say “special.”  I think I said something more like: “Son, you’re something else.” And I didn’t really “tell” him that in a nice way.  It was more like a stern talking to. I was tucking him...

What Editors Want: A Lesson From Rowan And Garcia

When war broke out between Spain and the United States, a letter to Garcia was needed.  Garcia was the leader of the insurgents, hiding somewhere in Cuba.  No one knew where.  No one knew how to reach him.  So the President sent for Rowan. Rowan was a normal guy. ...

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