How To Create Simple Smart Phone Videos You Can Sell

A lot of people think that making professional travel videos is hard to do or difficult to learn… or that you need a lot of expensive equipment to make something really great.  So, they put off learning and leave potential income on the table — income that could...

Video Challenge: Win $1,000 And Create Short Videos You Can Sell

What would you do with an extra $1,000? Buy a new lens?  Upgrade your camera bag?  Take a trip?  Hire a professional organizer or interior decorator?  Pre-order the new iPhone 8?  Buy a new drone?  Go to Thailand? I’m announcing a $1,000 challenge this week… and, over...

Our Instagram followers went to Costa Rica last month…

Are you on Instagram? All of our Instagram followers got a sneak peek inside our Costa Rica Travel Writing Expedition last month. If you’re on Instagram, go here to follow us for more sneak peeks and photos from our pros.  It’s a great way to stay on top of what’s...

The Importance Of Harvesting Your Own Travel-Writing Network

Show me the company you keep and I’ll tell you who you are.  It’s something my friend Erica’s grandmother liked to say but Erica was never a big fan of it.  She thought her grandmother was trying to get her to judge people—to look down her nose at those who were...

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