by Lori Allen | May 1, 2017
I just finished two straight weeks of traveling alone with my kids. My daughter Charlie and I went to the Grand Canyon and Moab, UT. And my son Warner and I went to Paris. When I travel with them and my husband Terry isn’t with us, my biggest fear isn’t about them... by Lori Allen | Apr 13, 2017
Picture this: A naked Easter Islander sliding downhill on a banana tree log at 60 kilometers per hour wearing nothing but body paint and feathers. This image earned photographer James Kao $600 and was recently published as a double truck (spread across two pages) in... by Lori Allen | Apr 12, 2017
Amy Muschik had been taking and selling photos with mixed success when she discovered a photo market with very little competition… that’s extremely easy… and takes very little set-up. With one camera, one lens, and a tripod, Amy earns $300 to $3,000 per... by Lori Allen | Feb 14, 2017
“Mom, can Lloyd come for dinner?” “Who’s Lloyd?” “He’s my friend. He’s two years old but he has the strength of a 7 year old. He likes to borrow my clothes. I met him at Jedi School. After bed, I fly out my window and meet him in the parking lot. You could come, too,... by Lori Allen | Feb 4, 2017
Our most successful members often say that they take their camera everywhere they go. It’s a good idea. After all, sometimes it’s the quick, spur-of-the moment photo that ends up selling. So, your challenge for the weekend is to take your camera everywhere. Get in...