Using Implied Motion To Make Your Photos More Striking

Using Implied Motion To Make Your Photos More Striking

The word for butt in Swahili is: Tako.  And we certainly saw lots of these on this photo tour. There’s not much you can do to get a great animal shot when they’re walking away from you. But whenever an animal or a person is walking across your field of vision, you can...
How To Create A Blur Effect In Your Image

How To Create A Blur Effect In Your Image

In Tanzania, most of the roads were designed by elephants. They were the original Tanzanian bulldozer. Man simply followed the paths they created. I just got back from doing one of my favorite things… in my favorite place on Earth – taking a photo safari in Tanzania...

Be An Ambassador: Speak A Second Language

Unfortunately “the ugly American” is an expression for a reason… We’ve all seen the U.S. traveler who thinks that that yelling loudly in English at a non-English speaker will somehow translate into magical comprehension.  But it never does, does it? There’s a better...

Learn A New Language In A Single Afternoon

Maybe you’ve tried one of the expensive language-learning programs that take you through confusing conjugations and endless repetitions – only to give up after a few weeks.  Or, perhaps you “took a language” in high school or college, and all you can remember now is...

The Perks Of Being Fluent In A Second Language

I’ve talked before about how cool it would be to be able to chat with – or even understand – the Swahili-speaking guides with us at our photo expedition in Tanzania. But speaking the native language has benefits that go way beyond being able to communicate with...

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