Why Adults Do Better At Learning A New Language

Good news! It turns out that you can teach an old dog new tricks – especially when it comes to learning a second (or third, or fourth) language. You’ve probably always heard that adults have a much harder time learning a second language than children do. But according...

Secret To Success: Write Your Own Story

I’ve cried at least three times in the last four months… The first was sitting atop the red sand dunes in Namibia. The beauty was overwhelming. I felt blessed but undeserving and wished someone was with me to feel what I was feeling.  The second time was over...

Use This Copywriting Trick To Craft A Strong Travel Story

Editors are busy. If you want to sell your travel articles and photos, you’ve got to stand out right away. One quick way to capture their attention is to use an old copywriting trick called “The 4 U’s.” They are: Unique, Useful, Urgent, and Ultra-specific. Together...
Sell More Photos: Photograph People When You Shoot

Sell More Photos: Photograph People When You Shoot

In Swahili, it’s Jambo. In Thailand, I’d say Sawasdee Ka because I’m a woman (Sawasdee Krab if I were a man). And in Vietnam, it’s Xin chào. These simple words open doors around the world and can instantly transform your photos. They all mean hello, and a nice “hello”...

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