The Difference Between A Hobby Blog And A Money-Making Blog

I’ve received a lot of questions lately about how to set up a blog and why writers and photographers should have one. So, this week let’s switch gears to what you need to know about blogs and how you can get paid to have one… The truth is, lots of people have blogs....

The Choices We Make Today Will Help Us Accomplish Our Goals

My daughter’s default setting at dinner time is to cry and whine over new foods.   It doesn’t matter if the new food contains ingredients she loves. Or if the recipe came from a friend and my friend’s kids love the dish. Before Charlie even puts a fork to her mouth,...

Successful Travel Writers Work Smarter, Not Harder

Travel writing success is not always equal… but it’s often fair. One student might look at another student’s success and say it’s not fair that Sarah is building so many more success stories than Bill. But Sarah is working smarter than Bill, and she has a system...

Before You Buy A New Camera, You Need To Do This…

I like to say that you should never invest more money into your photography gear than you do in the skills it takes to use the gear. That means if you want to buy a new camera today that’s worth $1,000, you should first spend the equivalent of $1,000 on classes with...

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