Top Tips For Entering Photo Contests

What a great way to start the week!! I spent the day yesterday combing through all the photo contest entries we got last month for our $1,000 Photo Challenge. What amazing talent we have in this community.   If you entered the contest last month – congratulations!...

How To Achieve Success At Anything In Life

“If you can dream it, you can do it.”  It was Walt Disney who first said that. And who could argue with it? Walt Disney dreamed bigger than most, and accomplished more. Sometimes we look at these super successful people with envy, but often, they’re just like you and...

The key to success as a travel writer or photographer

Do you ever wonder why some people are more successful than others? What is it that allows them to overcome obstacles, to persevere and to succeed? Some say the key to success is persistence. Others say it’s influence or confidence. But I believe it’s a combination of...

Four Advantages Of The Travel Writer’s Life

Just last week, a survey by Skift revealed that 41% of Americans failed to take any vacation days in 2015. And, 17% of us only took half our vacation days or less. How crazy is that? Why are Americans so afraid of taking their vacation time? The main reasons given by...
Become A Travel Writer: Sell 40+ Stories In Your First Year

Become A Travel Writer: Sell 40+ Stories In Your First Year

Noreen Kompanik came to our Ultimate Travel Writer’s Workshop as the guest of a friend. Before then, she didn’t know what travel writing was or how to become a travel writer. In the next 12 months, Noreen sold 45 travel stories… and is looking forward to many more...

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