Worry Less — Use This Simple Trick To Get More Done

Cows are a little bit skittish. I know this because every time my cousin’s dog goes into the field, the cows run away from him. They don’t like him jumping at their feet. Or maybe they don’t like that he’s so small they can’t see him in the grass. But here’s the...

Blog Basics – 4 Things Every New Blogger Should Know

My daughter Charlie wants her own blog. She also wants a YouTube channel, her own Instagram account, and a kitten. She’s nine. When I was nine, these things weren’t even fathomable. Today, a quarter of her class already have blogs and YouTube channels… and by...

Uncover The Photos That Spark Joy (And Will Sell) For You

So I’ve started tidying my life with the Marie Kondo method. Have you heard of it? It’s all the rage now that she has a show on Netflix. But it’s her book—The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up–(published first in 2014) that I like the most. The idea is simple:...

Using The Power Of Habit To Take Amazing Travel Images

I noticed something at the tail end of last year that kind of threw me… Imagine this: It’s Christmas day, my dad is here with his wife, and my kids are unwrapping presents on the floor. My grandmother calls to wish us a merry day. My dad puts her on speakerphone, so...

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