How A Blog Can Lead To Amazing Travel Experiences

I’ve been invited to Romania several times to work on an ongoing project to promote the country. While there, I’ve taken boat rides down the Danube Delta, stayed in luxury eco resorts, toured castles, and tried the best food and wine the country has to offer. In the...
4 Tips For Taking The Best Smartphone Photos

4 Tips For Taking The Best Smartphone Photos

There’s a popular saying in photography: “the best camera is the one you have with you.” For most of us, that’s our smartphones. Because, if you’re anything like me, your phone is never too far away! Thanks to huge leaps in technology, it’s now possible to take...

Never Get Stuck On What To Write About

If you’re a writer or blogger, you’ve been there—staring at a blank page and blinking cursor, not sure how to start or even what to write about. 

As a blogger, I’ve faced this many times. But I’ve also developed a couple of strategies that help me forge ahead. It...

Work From Anywhere In The World (With Fun Travel Perks)

When I set out on my around-the-world trip more than four years ago, I had no plans of still being on the road this many years later. In fact, at the time, I only planned on a six-month tour of Southeast Asia. I thought it would be a time to think about what I wanted...

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