How To Land A Press Trip To Your Dream Destination

How To Land A Press Trip To Your Dream Destination

I’ve just celebrated my 90th press trip as a travel writer. Exhausted from my lengthy international travel in previous years, I decided that I would only travel within North America this year. So, I lined up one trip each month, all on the North American continent....
Start your travel-writing career with small articles

Start your travel-writing career with small articles

For decades, aspiring travel writers have been using this simple technique to break into travel writing. It’s called writing “Front Of Book” stories, aka FOB’s. An FOB is a very short broad-strokes story that you’ll find in the first few pages of most travel...

The Life of a Travel Writer: $1,600 Vacations on the House

Imagine gliding smoothly over the deep blue waters of the Salish Sea on a wide wooden deck with an enormous canvas sail billowing overhead. This was the setting for my four-day wine cruise two summers ago, from island to tree-clad island, aboard the gorgeous schooner...

Three types of travel stories that sell well

Although my travel stories have been published in many genres ranging from wineries to ghost towns, and from breweries to classic cars, there have always been three types of article that I’ve consistently sold well to magazines. 1. TRAVEL & LIFESTYLE FOR REGIONALS...

Inflight Magazines: The Holy Grail of Travel Writing

Every travel writer wants to see his or her work in airline inflight magazines. We consider them the Holy Grail of travel writing, and we covet these bylines like gold. Inflights pay well, hundreds of thousands of people read them, and they are prestigious bylines to...

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