How To Get Better Photos By Using A Tripod

How To Get Better Photos By Using A Tripod

Have you made friends with your tripod? If not, here are a few reasons why you should… ● Creative possibilities. A tripod opens up opportunities to play with longer exposures. For example, I wouldn’t have been able to take either of these blurred water shots...
Add Depth To Your Images With These Framing Tricks

Add Depth To Your Images With These Framing Tricks

Do you ever feel like your images lack a little oomph? That what you see in the real world just doesn’t quite translate into a photo with the same level of visual impact? Probably the biggest challenge with photography is that we’re trying to take this messy and...
5 Tips For Shooting Photos With A Spring Theme

5 Tips For Shooting Photos With A Spring Theme

Has your camera been hibernating? Well, good news… spring is finally here! That means longer days and warmer weather, so why not dig your camera out and create some stock photos to celebrate the new season! Here are five tips for shooting stock photos with a spring...

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