25 Photography Terms All Beginners Need To Know

25 Photography Terms All Beginners Need To Know

Learning digital photography is a bit like learning both a language and a musical instrument at the same time. Not only are you trying to understand your camera’s various dials and buttons, you’re also trying to decipher “photographer speak.” Crack open any camera...

Photoshop vs Lightroom – Which is Right For You?

If you’re looking to take your photography to the next level, learning how to post-process your images using editing software is the way to go. And, when it comes to photo editing software, Adobe is the leader. For photographers, they make two programs that are of...
5 Important Reasons To Improve Your Camera Skills

5 Important Reasons To Improve Your Camera Skills

As a photographer, there are endless opportunities to keep learning, shooting, and developing your eye. The more you put into it, the more you’ll see your work evolve and improve. That said, here are five reasons why it’s important to first build some solid camera...

Why You Should Be Photographing Flowers This Spring

Spring is in the air… and this time of year brings the chance to photograph one of my favorite subjects—flowers! A big reason why I like photographing flowers so much is because they make the perfect subject for practicing composition. (They are extremely patient...

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