The details of how to write travel articles

Details, details, details. They always improve a story. So let’s focus on the details of how to write travel articles… I recently went on a trip to Brussels, where in addition to trying as many Belgium beers as possible, I also enjoyed their deservedly famed...

How and When to Follow-Up with an Editor

Coping with awful frustration is part and parcel of the travel-writer’s life. We’ve all encountered the ‘not hearing back’ problem countless times. First, though, you need to ask yourself a couple of questions. Were you asked to send your...

10 Travel Hot Spots for 2008

Some people salivate at the phrase “luxury travel.” But what is luxury? Ramping prices to exclude the proletariat doesn’t indicate desirability to me. Even with a lottery win, I wouldn’t want to ski at Gstaad, play roulette at Monte Carlo, or...

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