Writer’s Diarrhea — And Six Ways to Cure It

Sometimes the problem isn’t constipation (writer’s block), it’s writer’s diarrhea. The first drafts of my articles are often as messy as an encounter with a broken sewer pipe. Writer’s diarrhea? At times it’s more like dysentery....

Steenie’s Dirty Little Secret

Can you write under a pen name and if so, how do you get paid? Steenie Harvey’s answer … her run-in with lunatics… and a confession… below… Lori Appling Director, Great Escape Publishing STEENIE HARVEY’S DIRTY LITTLE SECRET: DEALING...

Sell Everything But This..(A Lesson on Buying Rights)

MONEY FOR NOTHING: DON’T GIVE UP YOUR RIGHT TO BE REPETITIVE By Steenie Harvey in Ireland $100. Is it worth getting out of bed for? Well, it might sound utterly paltry. But you shouldn’t reject low-paying markets out of hand. You see, it’s possible...

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