5 Tips For Selling Images Directly To Clients

As a freelance photographer, I’ve been selling images directly to clients for 7 years now. Selling photos this way (also called direct licensing) essentially lets me be my own stock agency. I have much more control over my fees and how my photos are used. And I don’t...
How To Create Artsy Photos From Your Raw Images

How To Create Artsy Photos From Your Raw Images

As a travel photographer, my eyes are always wide open and alert, receptive to the emotions and messages being transmitted by everything around me. I find it invigorating to capture raw images and then interpret them during the creative post-processing phase,...

Three tips to inspire travel writing success

I attended the Ultimate Travel Writer’s Workshop in September 2014; the year prior, I purchased the at-home version of the workshop (and attended the Ultimate Money-Making Photography workshop). This was all in preparation for a year-long self-guided photographic...

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