5 Ways To Advance Your Travel Writing Career

5 Ways To Advance Your Travel Writing Career

One of the most fun things about FAM trips (aside from free travel) is meeting new people. Not only do you get a whole new perspective when you talk to folks on your travels, but you also build a network of peers and contacts. Even before you’re an established...

4 Tips To Help You Score FAM Trip Invitations

Going on a FAM trip is like grabbing the “brass ring” of travel writing. It’s when someone selects YOU to go on a free trip, with activities, transportation, luxury hotel stays, and the best meals… all on the house. FAM trips are designed by PR people or tourism...

Know Your Worth: Get Paid For Your Travel Stories

There’s nothing wrong writing for free, especially when you first start out in your travel writing career. You gain some clips and credibility, which shows editors you’re the real thing – a writer with interesting ideas to share with their readers....

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