This Single Step Can Help You Improve As A Photographer

I cannot begin to count the number of times someone has approached me and said something like, “You are living my dream” or “Man, you are so lucky.” Although I know they mean well, I want to look them straight in the eye and emphatically tell them, “Luck has nothing...

How to price photos and sell to interior designers

My passion for photography was born in a most inauspicious way. I attended the Ultimate Travel Writer’s Workshop in San Francisco in 2012 with every intention of pursuing a career (and supplemental income) in writing. But as an additional seminar at that event, they...
Become A Travel Photographer And Make Every Day Count

Become A Travel Photographer And Make Every Day Count

There I was, walking up a dark, rocky trail outside Moab, Utah, to reach the Corona Arch and take pictures of the Milky Way. I’m not typically the trekking type, but this idea had been on my bucket list for years.  After sunset, I packed my camera gear and off I went,...

Just Do It: Advice On How To Break Into Photography

As I write this, I’m sitting among a group of enthusiastic Europeans at the international airport in Nairobi, Kenya, on my way to Paris for eight days of photography and fine food.  This is the final leg of a trip that started 10 days ago, with a photo expedition to...

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