Editing Your Photos is a MUST for Stock Photography

Eating spinach regularly will make the whites of your eyes whiter. It also lowers your risk of macular degeneration… so eat those leafy greens and wait for results. In the meantime, there’s a faster way to get whiter eyes — plus better skin, teeth, and...

How to Sell Photos of Board Games as Stock

Do you think you could take a photo like this? The subject of this photo — games and people playing them — is HOT in the stock photo world right now. Designers need photos of this subject that show a game without infringing on the game’s copyright, but...

Quick Tricks: Simple Photo Editing for Stock

If these guys are right and chocolate makes you smarter, then I should be a genius by now… According to the New England Journal of Medicine and a doctor at Columbia University, there’s a direct link between a country’s chocolate consumption and its number of...

Simple Background Photos that Sell as Stock

It’s amazing the kinds of simple photos that sell as stock. Take this photo, for example… as plain as it is, it’s had some pretty exciting action on stock photo sites — with over 2,100 sales on iStock.com. It’s a photo of canvas. Mind you, it’s very...

A New Approach to Photographing Buildings and Landmarks

I’ve always been a big fan of libraries. Since my gallery and portfolio is made up of “my favorite places,” most of which are within five miles of my home, I decided it was time to add my favorite library to the mix. It’s a little over my five-mile circle — 42nd...

Sell More Stock Photos With the Color Blue

If you want to remember something, look at the color yellow. It’s said to stimulate the memory part of your brain. And if you’re trying to eat less, surround yourself with the color green. It’s said to calm the nerves, inspire hope, and help control over-eating....

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