Play With Light: Create A Starburst In Your Photo

Play With Light: Create A Starburst In Your Photo

Lori calls me the master of light but that’s exactly what all photographers are really.  They’re light manipulators and the best ones are called pros. If you can learn how to manipulate light, you’ll set yourself apart, too.  And here’s a great way to start… Creating...
Creating Good Stock Photos: A 10-Second Fix

Creating Good Stock Photos: A 10-Second Fix

A primary requirement of stock photographs is to convey a clear concept. To achieve this, good stock photos don’t have any elements that are distracting. A crooked horizon line immediately draws the eye and will unhinge an otherwise great image. Even the best of us...

Abu Dhabi Photo Expedition: Arabian Desert photos

If you ever get a chance to spend the night in the middle of the Arabian Desert, don’t forget to bring your toothbrush…and your tripod… and your ball gown if you plan on taking some Arabian Desert photos. Bonnie here, on Day Three of our Abu Dhabi Photo Expedition....

Digital photo processing made easy

Adobe Lightroom is an indispensable tool when it comes to processing your photos for stock, or for wherever you want to sell them. I use it all the time. And only occasionally do I move over to a robust program like Photoshop for more extreme edits. The trick is to...

Presets for Lightroom: one-click photo transformations

“Mmm… raw chicken casserole is my favorite.” … said no one ever! Just as you should always bake your casseroles before you eat them, you should always process your photos before you sell them. Yesterday you saw the difference just one minute of processing...

How Lightroom improves photos

Spending just a few minutes editing your images has a big impact on your stock photo sales. Following is an example of how Lightroom improves photos. Let’s say you’re a designer. You’re looking for photos of cherry blossoms. So you type “cherry blossom” in the search...

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