New Features of Lightroom 5

Heart palpitations… a desperate need to be in close proximity at all times… constant physical contact… obsessive thoughts… forfeiting sleep… I think I’m in love with Lightroom. People often write in to ask if we have a special deal going...

Before and After: Using Lightroom to Edit Stock Photos

Remember when you had to turn a crank on your camera to roll the film? You’d pop out the canister, take it to the photo lab, and resign yourself to waiting for DAYS to see the result of your artistic mastery. Finally, you’d go back to the lab and rip open the envelope...

Editing Your Photos is a MUST for Stock Photography

Eating spinach regularly will make the whites of your eyes whiter. It also lowers your risk of macular degeneration… so eat those leafy greens and wait for results. In the meantime, there’s a faster way to get whiter eyes — plus better skin, teeth, and...

Quick Tricks: Simple Photo Editing for Stock

If these guys are right and chocolate makes you smarter, then I should be a genius by now… According to the New England Journal of Medicine and a doctor at Columbia University, there’s a direct link between a country’s chocolate consumption and its number of...

How to Use HDR in Indoor Architecture Photos

Even as a beginner, photographing homes that are for sale can bring in hefty profits for very little set-up. The secret is following a few simple rules that will set your photos apart. Here’s a little trick that can help you turn snapshots that anyone could take into...

Photo Tip: Take Great Photos on a Gray Day

Take a look at these two photos. They were taken 45 minutes apart from exactly the same spot on the same day. The assignment was to photograph a new building addition for a local church. The day I was scheduled to take pictures, the sky was  gray and about as ugly as...

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