The Ultimate Photographer’s Livestream Workshop

April 7 – April 9, 2018

Our 2018 Ultimate Photographer’s Workshop SOLD OUT in record time…

BUT you can still attend LIVE from home and save nearly $2,000!

  • Listen to any or all sessions at your leisure
  • Have your questions answered by photography pros on the ground
  • Get recordings of everything you miss…
  • Get personal, pro feedback on your photos and a follow-up webinar after the event to help you with your sales…
  • And network with other photographers, too

All from the Comfort of Home!

People fly in from all over the world to attend this event because it’s about so much more than just photography.

It’s about a new lifestyle that allows you to trek the Amazon… sail the Greek Islands… and go to Paris, Africa and all the many beautiful things this planet has to offer — with confidence, power and prestige because you’re traveling with a purpose and an income plan.

It’s for you if you’ve ever dreamed of turning your passion for photography into an income at home, too…

If you long for the freedom to set your own hours… travel whenever you please… wake up every morning LOVING what you do…

If you can take pictures like these…

  You could easily …

  • Travel to places you’ve only dreamed of… and let your photo royalties foot the bill
  • Turn a hard drive full of images gathering dust on your computer into spare cash
  • See your photos on the cover or inside pages of a glossy magazine
  • Build a steady stream of passive income from your photographs that will pay your bills or fund your retirement

All you need is a computer and an internet connection – and you can join us LIVE to see how it’s done!

All sorts of images sell

It’s Not about Taking Pretty Pictures. It’s about Taking Images Photo-Buyers Need. Learn how to find in-demand images in unexpected places… including your own home and backyard.

Lisa Top spent a few minutes running around the house taking pictures of oddities (gopher mounds, termite droppings, dry rot) anything that could be considered “pesty”. She figured insurance and pest control companies might need photos like these.

And she was right!

She recently wrote to tell me that her photo of termite droppings is now her best-seller online.

Troy Nelson collects minerals and stones so after coming to our Ultimate Photographer’s Workshop he got the idea to photograph them and sell them as stock and at the Mineral Shows he attends. This one of Gem Silica Chyrsocolla is one of maybe a dozen that have sold for $60 and it’s cool because this is something he likes to do anyway and other collectors appreciate his work.

Patrick Civello says this photo of solar panels probably does well in his portfolio because of the green energy trend. His solar panel images are among his best sellers at Shutterstock and iStock.

Kristen Bentz attended this workshop in Phoenix, AZ several years ago and soon after used her new skills to sell her photos locally. Today she’s making a name for herself with her dramatic weather and storm images like this one:

Kristen Bentz has sold this photo multiple times for an upwards of $2,500 earning her a total of $8,000 for this single image.

But what’s really great for Kristen is that she’s having a blast. She’s doing something she’d gladly do for free in her spare time anyway. The only difference now is that she’s making money from it.

She told us that her camera put an extra $30,000 into her bank account last year. (Kristen will be joining us in Baltimore to show you how she did it.) And she’s not alone.

Colleen Bessell attended our workshop and is now selling her photos as fine art on a tiny island off the coast of Vancouver. She sets up a booth at her local art fair where she displays bright color photos that she’s turned into digital watercolors earning her $3,000 or more per summer.

She took this quick snap while at a wedding and it’s gone on to earn her $750 so far!

Patrick S. in Colorado isn’t a professional photographer either – though he always took photos on vacation and, like most parents, lots of pictures of his kids. One day, out at a nearby park with the family, he had his camera in tow and started taking a few shots… shots he then sold to an airline in-flight magazine.

He was hooked. Everyplace is a destination for somebody, after all… and these photos were designed to entice vacationers to come to his hometown. The best part? The first collection of shots he sold earned him $450. And then he did it again to the tune of $800. And then again for $1,300!

And you’ve heard me talk about Danny Warren before.

Danny is now the proud father of two beautiful children. He has a full-time job as an information technology specialist. Photography is just a hobby for Danny. And since time isn’t something he has a lot of (along with sleep), Danny’s grateful that his income is coming from something he’s doing anyway – taking pictures.

His photos are in an online stock agency where they sell without any extra work on his part. It’s a passive income (enough to pay the mortgage on his new house) whether he’s outside taking more pictures, inside changing diapers, or hard at work as an information technology specialist.

Not one of these folks had any formal training as a photographer. They simply learned a few tricks behind creating a good photograph and who to sell it to… and next thing you know, they’d turned a fun photo hobby into a viable income stream. An income they can take with them anywhere in the world – whether they do it full-time, part-time, or even just on vacation.

“Starting out as a beginner, receiving feedback has been a key factor in allowing me to learn and grow as a photographer. This photo of the new cathedral in Cuenca, Ecuador has sold for $78 and $73 to a travel site for a banner on their website, plus another $35 in other stock photo sales. I love seeing my photos used by high profile brands and websites, and I know that would not have been possible without the valuable feedback that guided my improvement.” – Amy Muschik

Discover how fun and easy it can be to turn your photos into cash… from anywhere in the world

This April, you’ll get all the information you need to turn your spare time into money-making time – and have fun doing it. This is the only way I know that you can get “in the room” with a team of industry experts, ready to share their wealth of knowledge and answer your questions, live.

Discover all the strategies, and insider tips, you need to start earning money from your camera – fast!

And remember – you don’t need to go out and buy any special equipment. You don’t need any prior experience. In fact, if you can snap simple photographs like these, you can do it…


Join us for this once-a-year-only Ultimate event – via LIVESTREAM, and you’ll:

  • Discover the single, easy, lucrative secret to selling your images online. You don’t do ANY marketing. They sell themselves 24 hours a day, even while you sleep. And they can be photos of anything from your houseplant to the Eiffel Tower.
  • Find out how to gain “instant global reach” with your photos – with the simple push of a button. With this trick, you put your photos online once and sell them in half a dozen different marketplaces – automatically. You instantly expand your buyer base and gain the potential to pocket double, triple, even four or five times as much on any given photo… with essentially no extra work.
  • Get the fast, simple formula to attract more buyers, almost magnetically. It’s all in how you describe your images. We’ll hand you the “keywording tool” that works like magic. It’s fast. It’s easy. And it’s automatic.
  • Find out how to sell simple travel photographs to magazines and newspapers. You decide where you want to go – the Grand Teton Mountains in Wyoming, skiing in Utah, shopping in Paris – and we’ll show you how to turn pictures from your trip into money in your pocket.
  • Find out how your hometown, your pets, your kids, your vacations, even the weather in your hometown can all be photo goldmines. And discover how (even in your spare time) you can take $200 – $700 photographs right in your own backyard.
  • Discover what real-life photo-buyers want from beginner photographers like you. Skip the “guessing game” of what buyers want, save time, and find out exactly how to succeed from the get-go.

Plus, there’s another very exciting opportunity in the cards for you this spring…

It’s an opportunity to cash in on all the benefits of selling pictures from your vacations for income – the money, the on-the-house travel perks, hotel upgrades, free meals, and more.

Without a big upgrade in equipment.

And without the hassle of sending photos to an editor, uploading them to a stock agency, or otherwise selling them online.

VIDEO is nearly as big a game-changer in the photo world as the internet was. And it’s here to stay.

It’s transforming the industry… creating a great opportunity for travelers willing to document their experiences in exchange for complimentary travel and a second income.

And, this April, you’ll see exactly how it’s done.

Hawaii, Greece, Belize– You decide where you want to go and fund it using that tiny little video button on the top of your camera, iPad, or smartphone

You don’t need a special video-recorder. You don’t need a bunch of video-editing software. Nor do you need a crew of people to help you.

What’s more, in some ways, videos are even easier to sell than still photographs.

The competition is much less. The barrier for entry is much lower. And the market is HUGE.

It’s a whole new opportunity for you to earn cash from your travels … or start locally with videos of local hotels, businesses, or your community.

Join live as an award-winning videographer teaches you his secrets for earning 14 times as much from video clips as he earns from regular photos.

Joe Sindorf has cracked this code, and surprisingly it doesn’t require a ton of extra time to create videos rather than still photos. When you already have your camera out shooting photos, you can easily learn how to press the video button and create short, saleable clips. Joe will show you exactly how, in easy to follow steps, perfect for a beginner.

Here’s what Joe told me about shooting video on his travels:

“Making beautiful images is wonderful and preserving the memory of special moments is priceless… but why not make some money at the same time?!


Creating good, saleable video clips with your camera is far easier than you might fear! I’ve been shooting award-winning video for years and I’ll be sharing the professional tricks that I use every time I pick up a camera to ensure I’ll have shots that clients want to buy.


If you already have your camera in your hands, it is simple to shoot profitable video clips — and I’ll show you a few simple, proven guidelines to help you make money selling video clips as stock… tips you can put into practice immediately. Video has increased my stock sales by 14x — and it can happen for you too.”

Join us this April 7-9 and learn how to profit from your photographs and VIDEO!

“This workshop changed my life — or at least the direction it was going in. My biggest fear was dying before I actually had a chance to live. You gave me hope, confidence, and skills all at the same time. I’ve been to Ireland, Washington D.C. and just last month, Fiji, thanks to these events. I’m, of course, doing all the “hard” work of taking photos. But you opened my eyes to the possibilities and I’m forever grateful.” — Theresa St John

“I never thought I’d be a photographer. I was actually more interested in writing than I was photography. Now look, my last print just sold for $1,500 and I’m having so much fun with it. I keep telling everyone: Just try it. You’ll never know if you like it unless you try it.”— Wayne Hoover

If you want to start living your own photography success story this year, secure your ticket here today, before it’s too late.

Registration is now open:
Join The 2018 Ultimate Photography Workshop… via Livestream

There is absolutely no better way for you to access such an incredible wealth of industry knowledge than to attend this live event from the comfort of your own home.

You don’t have to travel, take time off work or spend money on airfare or hotel. Simply join us online from anywhere in the world.


We’ll put you “in the room” with the industry’s top-selling photographers who are doing things in a way you can easily reproduce. And, you’ll “meet” travel writers, videographers, editors, and other photo-buyers, too.

Plus you’ll get invaluable bonuses that include free classes for beginners, a follow up webinar to go over your questions after the event … and lifetime access to recordings, too (which we won’t sell anywhere else – at any time of year).

Get paid to have FUN!

If you’d like to set your own hours… travel when you please… wake up every morning loving what you do, then you absolutely have to join us at this year’s event.

You’re not alone. And the folks who have joined us in the past will tell you they’re happier, healthier, and more successful because they did.

There’s something very rewarding about seeing your photos in a magazine. Something very cool about walking into Bed Bath & Beyond or another department store and seeing your photo in a picture frame on the shelf.

I’m telling you…

I’ve literally stood next to a photo of me on the shelf at Bed Bath & Beyond, taken by professional stock photographer Shelly Perry whom you’ll meet in Baltimore, and just waited for someone to pass by so I could point out that it’s me inside the picture frame.

And my grandmother is as proud as punch, too. She found a picture of me at Walgreens in Florida while shopping with a friend. “That’s my granddaughter,” she told her friend. And together they bought every frame on the shelf!

What if that were your photo?

“I just have to share this. Prior to attending my first photography workshop, I did not know what ISO or F-stop were. I am therefore thrilled every time one of my stock photos shows up somewhere cool. A few months ago one was shown on the tonight show with Jimmy Fallon, and today one showed up on a syndicated column that appeared in all online Sun media newspapers across Canada.”— Workshop attendee Amy Muschik

Jump-start your successful new life

Lucy Brown dreamed of being a travel photographer and writer before she attended this same workshop that’s coming up in Baltimore. But she always thought it was too competitive and way beyond her experience and capabilities. She was an English teacher, she told herself. Not a photographer.

No Experience Needed

“Lots of good information and the workshops were appropriate for beginners. I was afraid I would be overwhelmed but I was not. The Great Escape Publishing folks are terrific – very approachable and helpful.” – Kathleen Preston

“I needed this. This is a workshop for people who know they want to make money with photography but don’t know where to begin. The team of presenters not only show you how to get started but also give you the confidence to start taking the first steps.” – Joan Lyons

But after attending The Ultimate Photographer’s Workshop, Lucy said…

“Other than offering me invaluable advice and tips, it opened my eyes to the fact that with motivation and perseverance the inexperienced could also break into the industry. Now I’ve had a number of articles and photos published in International Living’s magazine and on their website – and gotten paid for them, too.”


“As well as the obvious financial benefits, it’s extremely rewarding to see my photos and writing in print.


“I’ve also become much more observant. Now I walk around looking at the world with the eyes of a photographer and writer (whether I’m at home or traveling), picking up leaflets and rarely leaving home without my camera. I feel like I have a purpose wherever I go, always looking for a story to tell with photos and words and delving much deeper into the local culture than I would have before.


“Although I’m only just breaking into the industry, I’ve never been happier, working on my own schedule and earning money doing what I love. My income doesn’t support me yet, but it certainly helps toward paying for some of my trips and it makes living in Guatemala (or anywhere!) and traveling a much more enjoyable and fulfilling experience.” – Lucy B.

And Lucy’s not the only one to get her start this way. In fact, over the years we’ve shared the secrets to success with thousands of readers just like you.

“I felt that I got every penny’s worth from this. You guys thought of everything. Very impressive!” – Karen Ballard

“The value is excellent. I can’t imagine a better way to jump-start a career, such sincere, energetic, qualified, and friendly lecturers, along with presentations by real-world regular people with inspiring and attainable success stories.”– Vera Bojnel

Ordinary folks, extraordinary successes.
This workshop really works!

Join us this April, and you’ll learn all the latest tips and insider advice you need to get started, and to set yourself up for a photographer’s lifetime of freedom, adventure, and profits…

When you attend virtually, you won’t miss a thing! You’ll have access to all the live sessions (and Lifetime Access to the recordings), and you’ll be able to get all of your questions answered.

There will be an exclusive Facebook group for attendees to network with fellow photographers and staff members – a place where you’ll also have access to a special Facebook live chat with an Olympus and Fuji camera expert, too.

You’ll even have an “on-the-ground host” to help you get the most out of your Livestream experience.

So, what would your ideal photographer’s lifestyle look like? Some of our previous attendees have shared their stories with us – these folks who have already used the tricks and secrets they learned in our programs in the past, and are now enjoying tremendous success…

Meet Wayne Hoover:

In fact, Wayne’s been so happy with the level of success he’s achieved – not only the money, but also the fun and the freedom – that now he’d like to help others achieve that same level of success.

After he started making a good income as a photographer, Wayne has joined us as a speaker, helping to teach his ‘secrets of success’ to others. And this year, he’s also offered to serve as the on-the-ground-host for Livestream attendees. Think of Wayne as your personal concierge who will help you get the most out of your experience – ask him your questions before and during the event, and he’ll get you the advice and feedback you need from our experts.

Wayne has been in your shoes before – making the decision to attend this workshop – so he can help you know what to expect, and can guide you during the event, to be sure you are taking advantage of all the opportunities offered to you.

Here’s another attendee turned photographer, Cheryl Bigman:

You’ll get to know some of these folks this April. Even if you’re not there in person, you’ll still have plenty of opportunities to network and make new photography friends through the Livestream Facebook group that stays open long after the event has ended, too.

You’ll find that the camaraderie and enthusiasm amongst attendees is contagious – and it may just give you the boost of energy and confidence that you need to get started on your new, successful photography venture!

Meanwhile, here’s what previous attendees have to say…

Our speakers earn rave reviews

“This is truly the best workshop I have ever attended! The speakers, the energy, the attendees, the GEP staff made it fun, educational, engaging – and did I mention fun? I learned so much and met people I will remain friends with.” – Lisa Bennet

It’s just amazing how much knowledge you have passed on in such a short time, I really feel this workshop has given me the tools to “renovate” my life and what I do for a living” – Rolando Munari

“I picked up a lot of really good information that I will be able to actually use… and right away!” – Dore Terada

“Kristen really stood out to me because of her determination and persistence. I just love her personality! Very down to earth.” – Carline Bon-Ami

“What I like most about this workshop is the confidence I’m leaving with! And the tools to reach my goals… also the opportunity to share fears, ideas and knowledge with other attendees.” – Patty Goodin

“Shelly’s relaxed style and the amount of technical expertise in all aspects of working with microstock photography was such a blessing! I felt she gave us so much – the real inside story – and how to succeed. She’s organized and takes the intimidation out of considering pursuing a dream like this.” – Roni Java

“You can’t beat Great Escape Publishing for the best presentations. You get a full view of the entire fields of photography and travel writing with terrific presenters and a great staff helping you every step of the way.” – Kathleen Pacheco

“I feel these are the best workshops for photography, as you really get all the info needed to actually go out and start whatever kind of photo business you want. Nothing is off limits, or “insider secrets,” and each presenter is so open and honest. Also, there is always plenty of food and drinks.” – Lynn Michels

Lots of bang for the buck. Excellent instructors, well designed programs…”– Diane Simpson

Harrison Lee told us he’s now earned more than $3,000 selling photos with his travel articles.

Troy Nelson came to the workshop, followed our 10-Day Success Plan when he got home, and told me he quickly made $1,500! He loves taking storm photos, as well as pattern and texture photos of his fossil and mineral collection that he sells online…

Kim Bechthold turned her photos into an extra $993 when she put them into an online stock agency. And now that she’s moved overseas to Costa Rica, her photos continue to sell even though she’s stopped uploading more to her portfolio.

James Kao attended this workshop and has since had many photos published in magazines. A recent photo of his was published as a two-page spread in Hawaiian Airlines Hana Hou magazine and earned him $600. He’s also entered several photo contests—one of which earned him $6,000!

Lisa Norrgard sold at least 20 canvas prints within months, with prices ranging from $225 to $375 each.

Caroline Maryan entered five of her photos in an exhibition for emerging artists in Seoul, South Korea where she lived at the time. Three of them sold. Two for $500 each and $600 for the third.

Leslie Ehrin sold hers to a textbook for nearly $30,000. (Note: Not everyone can expect this. Wow!)

Marylinda Ramos got $500 from her cover image and story in a sailing magazine.

Wayne Hoover sold a set of fine-art photos for $1,500.

Valerie Leroyer sold hers to the city hall for $200.
Sue Henderson sold one photo three times for a total of $900.
Steve Collender got into stock photography when he lost his job at the airlines after 9-11. “If I earn enough to pay the electric bill,” he thought, “I’d be happy with that.” But soon his photo royalties paid not just the electric bill but also the phone and gas bill. Then they were enough to pay the car payment and eventually the mortgage.

Tim Napp photographed his cat for Friskies Cat Food and the Carnation Company and won $5,000 and a trip to Los Angeles, CA.

Beverly Shook puts her nature and still-life prints in calendars and has made almost $1,000 so far.

Stephanie Wolden takes pictures of vineyards, expensive wine bottles, and winery events in her Napa hometown and has made $4,500 so far.

Diane Watson was invited to exhibit her work in a local gallery for Atlanta Celebrates Photography. She received $300 for one photo and $150 to $200 for others.

Stories like these continue to roll in – from around the country and around the world. People selling their photos in lots of different ways… working when and where suits them… and getting paid for what they love to do already…

And now we’d like to add your story, too.

This is our BIGGEST (and ONLY) Ultimate Photographer’s Event of 2018! It’s your only chance to learn from so many experts all in one event

When you join us via Livestream over these three days, you’ll get real “boots on the ground” advice from experts who are making it happen themselves. They’re all generous with their time and expertise and will be available to answer your questions. They firmly believe that anybody – armed with the right secrets and a commitment to use them – can turn his or her photos into cash.

You’ll hear from…

Shelly Perry, from Portland, Oregon, specializes in stock photography. Her images have been seen all over the globe on music CD covers, books, magazines, catalogs, websites, ad campaigns, and even on TV. Two-thirds of our photography success stories are thanks to Shelly. Now she’s back by popular demand…

Shelly earns more money in online stock agencies with a small portfolio than others earn with their very large collections of images, Shelly will tell you her secret for getting the most bang for your buck and why you should avoid wasting your time on images that won’t sell.

Daniel Nahabedian is a freelance travel and cultural photographer. In 2008, Daniel bought his first camera and within one year became a full-time photographer. Currently living in Granada, Spain, Daniel speaks five languages and has lived all over the world including France and Thailand. His work has appeared in Travel+EscapeAsiaRoomsSmithsonian magazine, National Geographic website, Matador Network and more.

He’ll talk about his journey from no-income photographer to travel photographer and show you how to do the same. If you aren’t sure you have what it takes to really make a go of photography… Daniel has been there and knows exactly the advice and skills you need to pick up. He’s also known for his amazing way of creating magic with light—and he’ll take to the main stage to teach you how to do the same this year.

Bonnie Caton is the creator of the Breakfast Stock Club. She started as a writer wanting to take photos to accompany her travel articles but today she sells more photos than she does articles. And because she was in your shoes just three years ago, she knows exactly what kinds of lessons you need – how to be a scaredy-cat photographer and still make a sale… how to understand light and your camera… the easiest way to learn it all in a single weekend… and more.

This year, Bonnie will share her trick to “fake” good studio lights. Setting up professional lighting for a studio could cost you $1,000, $2,000, or more… but she’ll show you how to get the same effect for a much lower cost. Also, she’s got a secret for pulling in $500 a day (or more) from your photography—and she’ll show you how she’s used that secret to earn $10,000 from photography in the last 12 months, in addition to her full-time job here at Great Escape Publishing!

Kristen Bentz attended our workshop back in 2011 and picked up our experts’ advice on how to sell her photos locally. And by the time I met up with her in South Africa, she was the 2012 Monsoon Photographer of the Year. She’s young – early 30s – without a lick of proper photography training. But she loves storms. So every time bad weather is predicted in her area, she grabs the camera. And it’s really paid off. She knows exactly what it’s like to start off with no training or experience, she’s been where you are now, and she’s figured out how to turn pro.

What Kristen’s doing is completely replicable no matter where you live around the world. If you have a camera, Kristen will show you how she makes a profit taking pictures of storms that sell for upwards of $6,000. In addition, she’ll share her blueprint for earning your first $30,000 from your photos.

Joe Sindorf is an award-winning photographer and international humanitarian filmmaker who has worked in more than 75 nations of the world. His work normally takes him to places where people are at their worst — in the aftermath of major natural disasters; surviving famine or drought; and suffering intense injustice. His still photographs have been published in National Geographic Traveler, Outside, American Photo, World and Professional Photographer among others. His video work has won international film festivals, the NATAS Emmy Award, the George Foster Peabody Award (commonly referred to as the Pulitzer Prize for Television) and others.

Joe is currently earning 20 times the income from his video stock footage than he is from his stills of exactly the same scene. He’ll show you exactly how that’s done, so you can work on collecting video clips with your camera or smartphone in addition to still photographs.

Tracey Minkin is the Senior Editor of Travel and Features at Coastal Living, a luxury magazine and digital brand specializing in homes, styles, destinations, and personalities from the coasts of North America and beyond. During her career, Tracey has worked as a freelance writer and as an editor for regional and national magazines – so she knows exactly how to pitch to many different kinds of publications. Her writing has been anthologized in collections and has won both regional and national awards; she was a contributing author to Fodor’s The Thirteen Colonies, a historical/cultural travel guidebook; and she was the founding editor of a Providence, Rhode Island-based digital news and information platform, GoLocalProv.

Tracey, who is joining us for the first time at The Ultimate Photography Workshop, will teach you how to use social media to land assignments and sponsorships, and how to write smart and effective Instagram posts (do this right, and it will boost your photography income and success). Also, she’ll have a checklist you can use for selling to local or national publications. You’ll learn the fundamentals of crafting a story and tips for mindful reporting – tricks you can use in the field to accurately note and capture important details, instead of trying to reimagine it later

Efraín M. Padró has mastered the art of contacting magazines with his photos. Participants at past events have used his approach to land bylines in all sorts of publications from small regional magazines to illustrious and glossy in-flight magazines that sit in the seatback pockets of airplanes. He’s agreed to speak again this year and to share his blueprint for going from Zero to Pro and reaching out to magazines around the world.

In addition, he’ll take you through the specifics of how to take great nighttime photographs and ways to master the delicate art of travel photography – how to capture the essence of a destination in just six photos.

And many more…

Our presenters will reveal “tricks of the trade” to take more saleable images. They’re all ready to generously share their wisdom, tips, and tricks both on the stage and in the halls, with anyone who asks.

There’s no doubt – getting paid to take pictures no matter where you are is a great lifestyle

You’ll get the details on where to sell travel images, including stock photos, editorial, and fine art.

And you’ll learn how to take advantage of the latest trends – to boost your income fast. For example – how to leverage social media, especially Instagram, for success. And what color photos are selling best this year.

You’ll learn how simple headshot photography skills can help you take advantage of one of the most lucrative trends in the industry…

And how local art earns $6,000, or more, in a weekend…

Our experts will also show you how to score free stuff and enjoy perks along the way – things like free stays and access to places only photographers are usually allowed.

There is no substitute for the insights and tips you’ll gain from our team of professional photographers – tips that you can implement right away to start making money and getting the perks that come with The Photographer’s Lifestyle.

You’ll get…

  • A full rundown of the latest photography tool that’s taking the world by storm – Video!
  • Marketing tips for selling your photos and videos to a dozen or more different markets, including magazines, newspapers, websites, online stock agencies, local businesses, galleries, realtors, hotels and resorts, and more.
  • Camera manipulation tricks to make your images appear sharper and more professional.
  • Composition tips for removing power lines and unwanted clutter from your travel photographs.
  • Details on how to get free stuff with your photos – hotel stays, museum tickets, park and show passes, free drinks, and more.
  • Specifics on who to contact at magazines and newspapers to get your photos in front of the right person.
  • Specifics on how to earn 14 times more when you add video to your skills.
  • Details on selling your photos to local businesses as fine art. There’s a huge need for this and it’s easier than you might think!

And more.

And not only will you learn these tricks and secrets from the pros, you’ll get a chance to try them yourself, too.

After all, sitting behind a desk and learning how to do something is completely different from getting up and actually doing it. That’s why we’ll encourage you to go out and practice.

You can still participate even from home. After all, your city is a destination for someone and local tourist boards need photos of your hometown. There’s a wealth of stock, fine art, and editorial photo opportunities right in your own home or backyard!

Then, the week after the workshop, you’ll receive online feedback, on the photos of your choice, from one of our professionals. Expert feedback is an invaluable tool for learning – but it’s included free with your exclusive LIVESTREAM workshop invitation available here only!

Feedback is the number-one tool new photographers need to succeed. Good feedback on your images – from a pro that knows the system – can shave years off your learning curve and ultimately put you in a happier place.

And that’s why we were sure to include this personal mentoring experience… one that would cost a small fortune were you to pay for it anywhere outside this workshop.

All you need is an interest in photography – no experience necessary, just a digital camera in hand – and, in three days this coming spring, we’ll show you exactly what you need to know to turn photos and videos of your next vacation… your own hometown… and even your pets… into a fast, fun, easy income stream… for life.

In your spare time. Again, no experience necessary… and you don’t even need to come to Baltimore! You can join us from home, via Livestream.

This is the first year we’re offering Livestream – and I hope you’ll be a part of this exciting opportunity!

And, remember, access to recordings will only be available to live or Livestream attendees. Unless you want to wait until 2019, and pay more, there is no other way to get the information and strategies shared at our Ultimate Event.

9 Reasons why you won’t want to miss this
Ultimate Photographer’s Workshop

9. If you like taking pictures of your family or snapping photos on your vacations, then you’ve got the basics to make it in this business. All you need to do is turn your interests and habits into income-earning tools. And that’s exactly what our experts can show you how to do this April in Baltimore.

8. You’ll have access to a team of our top photography experts – ask them your own questions LIVE during the event… Plus you get to put what you learn into practice, go out, take a few photos, and you can submit them for review and feedback after the event. You don’t have to pay a cent extra for this, because we know that personal feedback can make all the difference in giving you a jump-start on becoming a money-making photographer.

7. A glossy magazine photo can earn you anywhere from $200 to $1,200… if, that is, you know what photo-editors are after. And that’s just one of the important secrets you’ll learn at this event.

6. You’ll discover even more fun and lucrative niches you may never have considered before. As you Livestream the event – joining us from home or from your favorite local café – a whole new world of opportunity will open up before you. If you’re looking for a new sideline career or a career change altogether, you won’t want to miss this event.

5. This opportunity is priceless when you’re just starting out – having friends who are going through the same steps on this new adventure, who can encourage you, and let you bounce ideas off them – that can provide you with the accountability and support you need to get started fast.

4. There’s no other event like this… anywhere. And at these workshops, we make it our business to let you know exactly what editors, photo-buyers, and stock agencies want. You can’t find this information on the street, and it would likely take you years of trial-and-error to learn it for yourself. There IS no better way to get started.

3. Don’t forget the money: You’ll find out exactly what you need to do to make your photographs saleable in addition to all the sessions you’ll get on improving your photography from the start.

2. You’ll get access to an exclusive post-workshop webinar with the pros. Sometimes it takes a little while for the new information to sink in, and you’ll want to take some time to practice your skills after the event… After a few days, you may have some more questions. Not to worry. Thanks to this added bonus webinar, you’ll get continued access to instructors who can answer these questions for you.

And the #1 reason why you should attend this event:

Because you can’t afford not to.

For the first time this year we’re bringing these money-making photography opportunities directly to you!

For the many years we’ve been hosting these workshops, participants have always had to attend in person to get full access and opportunities for live interaction and networking.

That’s why I’m so excited to be offering, for the first time ever, the Livestream option for attending our workshop virtually!

This means you can access the sessions in real time, from anywhere in the world where you have internet access – whether that means at home in your office… on the couch with a cup of coffee… or from your local library or favorite café.

I enjoy attending live workshops… but I know there are plenty of reasons why that’s not always possible. Sometimes health reasons don’t allow for travel… or it can be hard to take time off work… or maybe there are personal responsibilities that make it difficult to leave home…

Or, maybe you just prefer the convenience of learning at home… maybe you’re not ready to take the leap and travel all the way to Baltimore, and would prefer to start by “dipping your toes in”…

Whatever the reason – you now have the perfect option to enjoy the live event without actually setting foot outside your home.

And you’ll enjoy it all in the company of like-minded people, keen to learn, seek out the best photo opportunities, meet new friends, and HAVE FUN!

This is for you if you want to be a money-making photographer in 2018

If you’re interested in finding a way to fund your travels with your photos… a way to earn an income from anywhere on the planet (or right there at home!)… and set yourself up for a lifetime of adventure… then don’t wait to do it.

Act now. This is our ONLY Ultimate Photographer’s Workshop in 2018.

There is no other way you can access these life-changing strategies and advice. Unless you want to wait until 2019 and pay more.

This is the fastest, most efficient, and most cost-effective way there is for you to gain all the knowledge you need to make money from your photographs… for life. Our experts will help guide you as you get started.

If you’re ready to turn that dream into a reality, then I encourage you to join us… so you can participate and we can learn about you and your photography goals, even if you’re not there in person.

Join us for three days of intensive (but downright enjoyable, too!) class sessions geared to produce saleable photographs.

And you’ll discover…

  • How you can ditch the 9- to- 5 grind… be your own boss… and work from anywhere in the world… from Paris to Belize with your new-found skills…
  • Seven simple (but powerful) tricks that will instantly transform your photos from average snapshots to photographs you can sell to a variety of buyers…
  • The tricks of the trade that photographers and videographers use to score VIP treatment, deep discounts, and even free vacations…
  • The secrets the pros use to get their photos on billboards and in magazines…
  • How to take advantage of local photo opportunities, earn your first $1,000 and fund your trips before leaving home…
  • How past attendees have earned as much as $6,200 in a single weekend selling photos…
  • How to successfully shoot and sell portraits for a second income you can tap into whenever you need an extra $500…
  • How to earn an upwards of $70,000 a year selling simple video clips from your camera or Smartphone…
  • 17 places where you can quickly and easily sell your photographs today…
  • Your exclusive blueprint to earn your first $30,000 from photography…
  • Plus, how to start from scratch and earn back your workshop fee in 90 days or less…
  • And lots, lots more…

Make money doing what you love…

“It is PRACTICAL!! And the content aimed at helping you make money at something you LOVE to do is great – whether fine art, stock, or magazine publications. There’s something for everyone.” – Vera Bojnel

Save BIG with our back-door attend-from-home offer for a limited time

We could reasonably charge $2,000 to $3,000 for an event of this caliber, not to mention the accessibility to the professional photographers on staff. And it would be worth every penny.

Just one publishable photograph might earn you that much, or more. But when you secure a seat during our special sale, you can take advantage of a BIG discount.

The full price of this event to attend live was $1,997 + the cost of hotel + airfare, meals and more averaging more than $3,100 per person. Yet you’ll pay less than half that to attend from your favorite chair AND STILL get to speak to our pros.

The cost to register today is just $1,397 (money you can earn back with the sale of a few photos or videos and a savings of almost two grand in expenses!!).

Plus, as I mentioned above, you’ll have lifetime access to the recordings if you happen to miss part of a session, or have to step away from your computer for a bit.

(Note: Other discounts may apply. See the Registration Page below for details.)

Register Now, Pay Later

Reserve your seat today and you’ll see we have a Register Now, Pay Later option on the registration form below. This option allows you to lock in today’s low price without paying it all in full.

It’s a great way to ensure you get a seat and pay less as the price is set to rise every month from here until the event starts in April.


  • Three full days of info-packed sessions streamed to you Live and In Real Time, with opportunities for you to have your questions answered by the pros.
  • Marketing advice from professional photographers like Shelly Perry, Bonnie Caton, Daniel Nahabedian, Kristen Bentz, Joe Sindorf, Tracey Minkin, Efraín M. Padró, and others.
  • An exclusive Facebook group for Livestream attendees, where you’ll have a chance to chat and network with experts and your fellow photographers… (some attendees have said access to a Facebook group after the event, where they can discuss and share learning experiences, is worth the entire cost of the workshop!)
  • Practical photo- and video-shooting tips and tricks you can use right away… no experience required.
  • A photo review session after the workshop, where you’ll get professional feedback on your work.
  • Marketing advice about where and how to sell your photos for fun income.
  • A special Facebook live chat with a camera expert… where you can get your technical questions answered, and receive equipment recommendations.
  • Personal assistance throughout the program from our staff, including your own on-the-ground host Wayne Hoover.
  • A post-workshop live webinar with our experts… you might think of additional questions after you let all the information sink in and go out to practice with your camera – here’s your chance to have those questions answered even after the workshop is over!
  • Pre-event guidance from Great Escape Publishing Staff including what to expect, and how to get the most out of your experience – and if there’s anything we don’t answer, you’re welcome to send us questions any time!
  • and more…

And, when you register during this special offer period, you’ll also get:

  • FREE seat in our Camera Confident At-Home Training Program (a $499 value).
  • FREE copy of our How to Earn Back Your Workshop Fee in 90 Days or Less guide (a $39 value).
  • FREE copy of 17 Places Where You Can Quickly and Easily Sell Your Photographs (a $39 value).
  • Lifetime access to workshop presentation recordings from every class session, so that you can review what you learned whenever you need a refresher.
  • Nearly $2,000 savings when you add up the price you would have paid to attend live on the ground.
  • And you’ll enjoy the opportunity to earn an extra income doing something that’s really, really fun. I know quite a few people who would give their right arm for a dream job like being a photographer.

… but you must register today.


Guarantee # 1 I guarantee that the Ultimate Photographer’s Workshop Livestream Event will provide you all the insider tools and secrets you need to get paid as a photographer. We’re focused on success in the real world, and we’ll walk you through what you need to do, step-by-simple-step.

Guarantee # 2— I guarantee we’ll deliver the how-to intelligence you need to start taking saleable photographs, sell them to magazines, newspapers, websites, and as fine art, and cash in on all the great perks of the photographer’s life. No prior experience necessary.

Guarantee # 3 If you decide that the Livestream experience doesn’t live up to your expectations, just let us know by 4 p.m. EST on April 7, 2018 — the first day of the workshop. Contact us by phone or email before 4 p.m., and you’ll be entitled to a refund. This means you can tune in and join us for nearly the entire first day to be sure your satisfaction is guaranteed.

Whether you’re just picking up a camera for the first time, or you’re an accomplished photographer seeking ways to make more money from your photos, these three days in Baltimore could, quite literally, change your life — as they already have for so many of our members who, today, are seeing their photos in print and are enjoying the freedom and flexibility that comes with the photographer’s life.

As one pleased first-time attendee put it…

“I got more than my money’s worth.”

“Every presenter was amazing! I feel I got way more than my money’s worth from this workshop. You packed into three days everything I ever wanted to know about the business side of photography and I learned so many wonderful new technical skills! I’ve had a wonderful time and loved every minute.


“Can’t thank you enough everyone at Great Escape Publishing! I thought it would be a great conference and it turned out to be even better – fabulous – and beyond what I was expecting.


“I’d recommend this workshop to others in a heartbeat! You offer so much, it’s all very well organized, and the depth and detail are impressive! I’ve been a published newspaper writer and photographer and public relations/media relations specialist for the last 27 years. You had so much to teach me about this whole other field and I’m terrifically glad I came.


“I loved your whole format. My first in-person experience with your organization. Each person was super helpful and responsive.”

– Roni Java

And many attendees come back again and again…

“Each workshop is unique. Even speakers that have been at past workshops come with a new twist, or new way of looking at photography. The second time around, I actually knew what they were talking about, and I was more able to absorb all the information we were given so I could improve my skills.” – Elizabeth Coughlan

“I highly advise a second workshop to anyone. On first attendance, you get so much information and it’s often hard to absorb it all then. Upon a second attendance, things that were a bit unclear now become clear. You are more familiar with your abilities. There is always new content and new presenters. A second attendance reinforces whatever didn’t “catch” the first time! And it’s always an enjoyable experience.” – Susan Peters

“Go! You always learn more, even if it’s similar material presented by a different expert. Plus, you’re more advanced and the stuff presented will make more sense or resonate with you more than the first time around. I found that at my second Ultimate photo workshop, I knew my camera better, had more confidence, and a better skill base, which made the new information more relative to me.” – Melanie Wood

This is an excellent opportunity to jump into the photographer’s lifestyle…

Whether you’re interested in adding photos to your travel articles… or you’re looking for a way to turn a “hobby” into an income-producing pastime… or you’re interested in, quite simply, learning and perfecting a skill that can provide you endless enjoyment, prestige, and fun…

…then I encourage you to join my colleagues and me online via our new Livestream option, this April 7-9.

There’s no better time than right now to create an income stream through photography… and if you’re interested in video, too, then – now is the TIME to act.

Space in Baltimore is already SOLD OUT – but you can still join us online in real time by Livestream. We won’t hold another Ultimate Photographer’s Event until 2019 – and this is the only way to get the recordings. There is no other way to get this information this year.

Secure your place here today!


Lori Allen
Director, Great Escape Publishing

P.S. I can tell you this program is worth every penny – and more – but don’t take my word for it. Here’s what a few more of our past attendees have to say…

“I absolutely would recommend this workshop. I’m still a novice, but attending a workshop is like a shot in the arm-I feel my learning curve has recently jumped a hurdle and feel I can go home satisfied that I’m moving and growing. – Laura Miyake

“One of the greatest things I’ve ever done for myself. I highly recommend it.” – April Thompson

“What I loved about this workshop – it was so practical, formulaic– and gave me a concrete realistic plan.” – Mary Pat Collins.

“This is the best workshop I’ve ever attended. It was very professional. Each speaker was outstanding, cared about each persona attending, [and] open to helping us at any time. Each speaker has been there, done that, and shared freely with us. I know that I CAN DO IT! Yeah!” – Jan Hammerlund

“Just great as always. I always learn something important to change the way I photograph. It motivates us to do things on our own and opens our eyes to possibilities available in the world.” – Scott Moses

You were able to take a complex subject and break it into manageable parts that don’t send you into overload. Staff was amazingly helpful.” – Jane Jenkins

“It’s so hands on with simple learning techniques. Great people and all instructors are so nice. I didn’t realize I would love it so much and I can’t wait ‘till the next one!” – Pamela Stanley

“I learned a ton! I will need to go home and practice, practice, practice – but at least now I know what to practice doing!” – Sue Larson

“The workshop truly opened my creative side again. I wasn’t sure what to expect but thrilled with what I found.” – Megan Devonport

“I loved this workshop. Lots of excellent information, and easy to understand. And I can put it to use immediately! Thank you, thank you, thank you!” – Lyrae Perry

“I needed this. This is a workshop for people who know they want to make money with photography but don’t know where to begin. The team of presenters not only show you how to get started but also gives you the confidence to start taking the first steps.” – Joan Lyons

I got exactly what I needed … I’m so glad I found the Great Escape Publishing community – it’s a terrific resource overall and I love the staff’s commitment to their customers.” – Linda Lee Kaye

“This was probably the best workshop I’ve ever attended. The speakers kept my interest throughout the program, even with the jet-lag & late nights. Thanks.” – M. Gibson

“The Ultimate Photographers Workshop was one of the best times I’ve had in a while. This was something I wasn’t sure about but I’m so happy I came. This was the perfect balance between learning and play for adults.” – Rona Faison

“Thank you for a great, well-put together, organized event. This was my first workshop, likely not my last.” – Eileen Hartman

“This will be one workshop you will never forget and will leave with way more knowledge and tools to use in your profession than you ever thought you would! It is so organized, fun and so worth getting to meet these instructors who are so willing and want to help you succeed in your journey! Go to the next one you can!” – Cheryl Carder Hall

©2018 Great Escape Publishing 
All Rights Reserved. Protected by copyright laws of the United States and international treaties. This content may only be used pursuant to the subscription agreement and any reproduction, copying, or redistribution (electronic or otherwise including on the world wide web), in whole or in part, is strictly prohibited without the express written permission of Great Escape Publishing 101 SE 6th Ave., Suite A Delray Beach, FL 33483.

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Imagine yourself on the trip of your dreams: a palm-ringed island, the beauty and the history of Paris, the intoxicating allure of the Napa Valley. Now imagine that with only a pen, a camera and a little curiosity, all of these incredible travel destinations are within your reach.

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