Your Recent Order

I ordered a program a few days ago and I haven’t received anything yet.

It sounds as if you didn’t receive the original welcome email from us with access instructions to your new program. It may have ended up in your junk mail or spam folder. You can access your new program by going to http://www.MyTravelPrograms.com and signing in there with your email address and password. If this is your first time using MyTravelPrograms.com, or if you can’t remember your password, simply click on the link that says “If you forgot your password, or you are a new customer, click HERE.” You’ll be prompted to enter your email address and last name, and your password will appear on the screen.

My email address is not recognized when I try to log in at MyTravelPrograms.com.

Please make sure you are using the same email address you used when you signed up for the program and that you’ve waited 1­-2 business days. If you’re still receiving an error, send us a note at the link above.

I’ve waited 2 business days and I still don’t have access to my programs at MyTravelPrograms.com.

If it’s been more than 2 business days, please contact us using the contact form. There may have been a problem processing your order.

I’m able to log in to MyTravelPrograms.com successfully, but the program I ordered says I don’t own it.

Please make sure you’ve waited 2 business days. If it’s been more than 2 business days, there may have been a problem processing your order. Please contact us using the contact form.

Why does my credit card statement say AWAI instead of Great Escape Publishing?

Great Escape Publishing was formerly called AWAI Travel Division, and today we are still the sister company to American Writers & Artists Inc. (AWAI). Certain credit card vendors (American Express for example) still use AWAI on their statements. We are working to change this in their systems, but rest assured, if you see either AWAI or Great Escape Publishing on your statement, there is no reason for concern.

How can I update my billing information for my Great Escape Publishing account? 

You can update your payment information HERE at this secure link to our billing department. 

You can also call Member Services if you’re more comfortable providing this information by phone. 

Business Hours: 9 a.m. – 6 p.m. ET

Local: (561) 860-8266

U.S. Toll-Free: (866) 415-1425


How can I change my password at MyTravelPrograms.com?

If you’d like, you can change your password at www.MyTravelPrograms.com. First, sign in with your email address and current password. Then, hover over the box that says “My Account.” You’ll find an option in the drop­down list that says “Update Email/Password.”

Can I get a receipt?

You’ll find receipts for your purchases at www.MyTravelPrograms.com when you sign in there with your email address and password. You can even print them out. Once signed in, hover over the box that says “My Account” and click on the “Receipts” tab to access your receipts.

I can’t download the PDF files.

Please make sure you have the most current version of Adobe Reader installed on your computer. Here’s a link to Adobe’s site: http://get.adobe.com/reader/. If that doesn’t work, you might want to switch internet browsers. For example, if you’re using Internet Explorer to access MyTravelPrograms.com, you might want to try accessing the site using Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox instead. All of our programs, websites and videos seem to work best with these browsers. To download and install Google Chrome for free: https://www.google.com/intl/en/chrome/browser/ To download and install Mozilla Firefox for free: https://www.mozilla.org/en­-US/ We believe both browsers to be safer and faster, and it’s always smart today to have an alternate browser downloaded and installed for your convenience.

The videos won’t play.

We use a streaming video service called Viddler to host our videos. (It works a lot like YouTube.) If the videos won’t play, try restarting your computer. If you haven’t restarted in a while, there could be updates waiting for you that you don’t know about. You should also make sure your internet browser is updated to the most recent version. If that doesn’t work, you might need to try opening the programs with a different browser, such as Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome. To download and install Google Chrome for free: https://support.google.com/chrome/answer/95346?hl=en To download and install Mozilla Firefox for free: http://www.mozilla.org/en­US/ We believe both browsers to be safer and faster, and it’s always smart today to have an alternate browser downloaded and installed for your convenience. Additionally, Google Chrome has Adobe® Flash® Player built in, and Chrome will automatically update when new versions of Flash Player are available.


Are Great Escape Publishing programs legit?

Of course. Hundreds of GEP members have already transformed their lives through our programs and live events. Read more here.

I’d like to get started selling my photos. Where should I begin? 

There are a lot of different ways you can get started selling your photos, and we can point you to some great free resources archived on our website to begin your search. These e­letter articles can help you decide which direction you want to take your photography: Starting Today: How to Create a Second Income Stream with Photography;Microstock Photography: A Quick and Dirty Startup Guide. If you read through those and still have questions, then we have a few resources that can take you further. You can read about our Turn Your Pictures into Cash course, which comes in monthly installments, here. If you’d prefer a live workshop, where you can speak to someone directly, you can read about upcoming events here.

I’d like to get started as a travel writer. Where do I begin?

Your best bet to get the wheels in motion is to start with our archived e­letter issues. Here’s a list of a few articles you might check out: Finding the Right Editor; Getting Published: A Travel Writer’s Roadmap (How one of our staff writers got her first byline! We hired her after she attended our live workshop, so everything in this article took place before she was on staff.); Two Publications Where You Already Have a Foot in the Door; What’s Selling Now; How Much Can You Make as a Travel Writer? How One Trip Turns into $2,800. If you own our course on travel writing, The Ultimate Travel Writer’s Program (/program/travel-writing/), we would suggest reviewing Lesson 7 of that program, which contains all the major travel writing templates for articles. You might also review: Lesson 9, on coming up with the best story ideas; Lessons 13 and 14, on writing well; Lesson 22, with sample query letters you can model; and Lesson 24, with letters of introduction you can use to cash in on travel writing’s perks. If you still need help with the logistics of getting published you might consider reading our Business of Writing Guide, which features: where to find the best story ideas; when and how to follow up with an editor; how to get your articles published using syndication; what you need to know about buying rights so you can resell your articles for added profit; how to sell photographs with your articles; and more.

Do you offer an affiliate program?

Yes. Please visit http://www.awaionline.com/affiliates/ for more information.


Where can I find a calendar of events or know what’s coming up next? 

If you add your name and email address to our “Workshop Alert” list, you’ll be sure to receive first notification of our live events ­ and at the lowest prices that we offer. You can add your name here.

Can I attend as a beginner? Will I be the only beginner there?

Yes, you can absolutely attend as a beginner. In fact, we welcome beginners! Photographers of all levels are welcome at all of our workshops. (Note: At some of our stock photography events, we do require you have an SLR Camera. Please see specific event registration forms for details.)

What camera do you recommend?

You’ll find a camera buying guide on our website here, and a guide with advice on buying mirrorless cameras here.

Which tripod do you recommend?

Check out professional photographer Efrain Padro’s tripod recommendations here.

What can I do or study in advance to prepare myself for the workshop?

It’s a good idea to get familiar with your camera (especially if it’s brand new) before joining us at a workshop or on an overseas expedition. Take your camera out of the box, practice turning it on and off and explore the different modes and functions. You’ll learn more about it at the workshop, so it’s not required, but it’s a good idea to already feel comfortable with your new equipment so that you can spend more time taking photos (and less time worrying about your camera) once you’re at the workshop. You should also take a look at any videos or guides posted on your event specific Attendee Page.

Which lenses are recommended to bring?

This is up to you. We don’t recommend investing in a lot of new equipment before the workshop. Come to the workshop, practice with what you already own, and then once you get home you might want to consider investing in some new lenses based on what you’ve learned at the event. You can find some lens recommendations in our camera buying guide here.

Is a laptop required?

A laptop is recommended for our workshops. All of our workshops contain photo review sessions where you’ll share your best few photos with one of our instructors. To share the photos, you’ll want to be able to upload them on to your computer, make any edits, and then share them with your instructor. Some attendees in the past have used iPads or tablets in place of computers. That seems to work fine, though getting photos off of the iPad and onto a thumb drive can be difficult. If you don’t plan to bring a laptop to the workshop, just shoot us an email before the event so we can plan to make a staff computer available for your use.

Do I need photo processing software for the workshop?

For many of our events, we recommend that you install Adobe Lightroom. Keep an eye out for a specific note from your workshop leader about what kind of software you need to download before the event.

Will I be able to share a hotel room with another attendee to save on hotel accommodations?

Yes, lots of our attendees share rooms to save on costs. Once you join the event, you can post your roommate request on the group Facebook page.

Do I have to stay at the hotel where the workshop is being held?

No, but we highly suggest that you stay at the workshop hotel or at another hotel within quick walking distance. Our class sessions last all day (roughly 8am­ – 6pm, with a break for lunch), and attendees have found that it’s nice to have a room on site to be able to visit during breaks, and to keep their equipment and belongings close. It’s certainly not required, but it will make things easier.

I need to make my airline and hotel reservations. What time does the workshop begin on the first day and what time does the workshop end on the last day?

Check in is from 8am – ­9am on Day 1 of our Ultimate Events, and class starts promptly at 9am. The workshop concludes around 6pm on the last day.

Are meals included in the workshop fee? What if I have diet restrictions?

Breakfast and coffee breaks are included daily. We will send out a food survey in advance of the workshop, so if you have any severe allergies please let us know at that time. In addition, we try to offer a variety of options at breakfast to accommodate gluten allergies, egg allergies, etc. For coffee breaks, we usually offer refreshments and one small snack, so that might be a time when it’s good to be prepared with an extra snack bar just in case.

I attended last year’s workshop. Will they be presenting the same material at this year’s workshop?

We have many repeat attendees at our workshops. Each year we add new sessions and invite new guest speakers and panelists. Some of the core information remains the same, but we’re always updating and refreshing it to give you the most up­ to ­date information.

What is the instructor to student ratio?

At our Ultimate Events, most of your time will be spent in class listening to your instructors. Our events usually have between 100 and 150 attendees and 10 – ­12 instructors. During the photo review sessions at our photo event, you will be in a small group of just 10 attendees to 1 instructor.

Can I attend part of the workshop and pay a partial price?

We do not allow partial attendance. You’ll get all of the recordings from the workshop, so if you need to leave early or arrive late, you’ll still get all of the information presented at the workshop.

Do you have a discount for people on a fixed income or a scholarship/sponsorship program?

We don’t offer discounts based on income or occupation. However, we do offer substantial first alert, early bird and membership discounts.

Can I take part in an event as a speaker?

If you wish to be a speaker at one of our workshops, please send us an email describing your relevant experience and presentation ideas.

Can I bring guests? What will they pay?

Yes, you can most certainly bring a guest. Spouses, partners, and friends are welcome and get to go for almost half price. Please consult the individual event promotional brochure, visit the event website or contact us for information on the guest’s registration fee.

Does the workshop/event registration fee include accommodation?

Accommodation is not included in the registration fee for our 3-­day stateside Ultimate Events; however, we always negotiate a discounted room rate for our attendees at the workshop hotel. Rooms are first come, first served. Most of our overseas expeditions do include the accommodation in your registration fee. Please consult the individual event brochure, visit the event website or contact us for information on accommodation.

Is the airfare included in the conference registration fee?

No, airfare is not included. These days, you’ll usually find the best flight prices online. We recommend www.kayak.com. By entering your search criteria once, over 100 websites are searched simultaneously. You can also include alternate airports near your departure and/or destination airports in your search.

Do you offer membership discounts?

Elite Access, Loyalty Club and ITWPA members are entitled to a significant discount. IL Lifetime, World Club or Roundtable members, and AWAI Founders Circle, Circle of Success and Infinity Members also receive a membership discount. Please consult the individual event promotional brochure, visit the event website or contact us for information on your discount.

I have more than one membership with you. Can I combine the discounts offered?

We invite you to take advantage of the greatest membership discount for which you are eligible, based on your membership status. Only one membership discount applies. Your spouse or guest is not eligible for a membership discount, as the spouse price is already a greatly reduced rate. Your membership discount can be combined with any early bird discount offered.

Are the workshops tax deductible?

In some cases, yes. Please check with your tax accountant to verify.

What form of payment do you take?

We accept all major credit cards, as well as checks and money orders. We also have installment options for most of our events, so you can spread out your payment over a number of months. You will see details for this option on each event registration page.

Who can I contact if I have more questions about events?

Please send us an email using the contact form.

Writer’s Guidelines

Can I write for you?

Please note: we publish articles on the craft of getting paid to travel, whether through photography, writing, leading tours, or other means. We do not publish “straight” travel pieces. Our regular contributors are typically professional photographers and/or writers who have had success selling their photos and/or travel articles. We also publish articles from other freelancers who have had success with these same ventures and want to share how they did it with our readers. Here is a link to our Writer’s Submission Guidelines: /writers-guidelines/

Get 3 Fun Ways to Get Paid to Travel!

Imagine yourself on the trip of your dreams: a palm-ringed island, the beauty and the history of Paris, the intoxicating allure of the Napa Valley. Now imagine that with only a pen, a camera and a little curiosity, all of these incredible travel destinations are within your reach.

Sign up today for our free newsletter, The Right Way to Travel, and you’ll learn how to get the most out of every trip – and how to get paid to do it.

Simply enter your name and email address in the form below and you’ll receive your first issue, along with our Three Fun Ways to Get Paid to Travel quick-start guide, absolutely free. Inside, you’ll find 3 exciting opportunities for earning extra income while exploring cities around the globe. It’s your first step to a life of fun and freedom.

Fill out the form today and you’ll be one step closer to a new part- or full-time income that can help you realize your travel dreams. And don’t worry – we will never rent, sell or give away your email address for any reason. We’ll see you out there!

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