“If you don’t have a plan, then you plan to fail.” – Cat Holladay

For more information on getting started with travel writing, visit: dev.greatescapepublishing.com/start/travelwriting.

Great Escape Radio host, Jody Maberry, and Director, Lori Allen, introduce us to one of our members, Cat Holladay.

Lori starts us off…

“We’re talking about the different types of people that are attracted to us. From highly professional skilled photographers, writers, and journalists all the way to people who have never tried anything remotely like this up until this point in their life. We have adventure seekers and knitters, golfers and whitewater rafters. Cat represents the younger side of our members that are attracted to this ideal.”

Cat falls into the millennial category. She left a high pressure corporate job a decade ago to do something more exciting. She initially started consulting but realized that with all the travels she and her husband were doing, she had tons of tips to share. She began blogging about her family’s experience and that led her to travel writing.

Cat recently attended the Ultimate Travel Writer’s Workshop in Washington DC. Here’s her thoughts on the workshop…

“Several things brought me to the workshop. There are plenty of workshops that promise different things, but the Ultimate Travel Writer’s Workshop stood out to me because I felt like its claims were realistic. And the past attendees seemed satisfied and successful. After attending, I know that I chose the right program.”

Investing in yourself isn’t something a lot of millennials do, but this seminar gave Cat all the tools she needed to get started and to add an income stream to her bottom line.

Just 10 days out of the conference, Cat has already had one query and one pitch accepted.

Cat is not taking a traditional approach to her work/life balance. She shares with us the plan she and her husband have devised to allow them to escape the “live to work” mentality that is so prevalent in the USA. It’s a plan that will give them more time to teach their young son about the important things in life.

If Cat’s story has inspired you, there’s more information on getting started with travel writing at dev.greatescapepublishing.com/start/travelwriting.

Or if you’re not yet on Great Escape Publishing’s free eletter, The Right Way to Travel, you should sign up for more get-paid-to-travel tips and secrets here: https://dev.greatescapepublishing.com/.


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Great Escape Publishing
Great Escape Radio Episode 85: Invest in Yourself
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