“Grammarly is an online service that quickly and easily makes your writing better and makes you sound like a pro, or at least helps you avoid looking like a fool.” – Forbes

Host Jody Mayberry speaks with a returning guest this week, Mary Charlebois. (You can listen to our first episode with Mary here.)

Since starting her writing career, Mary has become a big fan of Grammarly.

“There’s more to writing than beautiful words and prose,” says Mary. “Our work needs to be professional.”

So, what is Grammarly?

It’s an app that you can add to your writing applications such as Microsoft Word. Or it can be used in connection with your e-mail. Grammarly checks your spelling, punctuation, grammar and context. It even checks your documents for plagiarism—just in case you used too much of your cut and paste research in your document.

Mary and Jody both use it. They agree that Grammarly is making them better writers.

Listen in as they discuss all the ways Grammarly can be used to improve your writing across umerous platforms—including social medial where we tend to write more casually.

For more information on launching your own writing or photography career, or to check out GEP’s upcoming live events, visit: https://dev.greatescapepublishing.com/events/.

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Great Escape Publishing
Great Escape Radio Episode 102: Grammarly and Your Writing
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