“Taking pictures is like tiptoeing into the kitchen late at night and stealing Oreo cookies.”—Diane Arbus

Host, Jody Maberry brings Elizabeth Coughlin back to the show.

Elizabeth refers to herself as a geriatric nomad. For 14 years, she and her husband taught in international schools around the world—with their daughters in tow.

When her husband retired, she needed something to do. She discovered us and decided to attend a photography workshop.

As a result, she has become a successful stock photographer.

Elizabeth shares a story about visiting her daughter in Abu Dhabi  at the time the Louvre was inaugurated in November 2017 by French President Emmanuel Macron.

“I took photos of the outside of the Louvre the day after the big gala for the opening.”

At the urging of her son-in-law, Elizabeth uploaded the photos to the stock agencies right away and to her amazement, the photos began selling immediately.

It was all about being first.

Listen in as Elizabeth offers advice on how to find new and noteworthy events and how those events can help with your stock photography sales.

If you’re inspired to explore travel photography visit dev.greatescapepublishing.com and sign up for The Right Way to Travel newsletter which offers information on travel writing, photography and more.

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Great Escape Publishing
Great Escape Radio: Episode 172: From Global Nomad to Stock Photographer
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