4 Reasons Travel Writers Should Start A Blog

At Great Escape’s recent Ultimate Travel Writer’s Workshop in New Orleans, I was pleasantly surprised by how many of the attendees already have or are working on their own blogs. They weren’t in the majority, by a long shot – but their numbers are clearly growing.  As...

Starting A Travel Blog Can Lead To Unexpected Opportunities

I’ve been writing a monthly travel column in The Denver Post since January of 2012, and I’m the author of six books about travel. All of that work can be traced back to my blog, The Tranquilo Traveler, which I created in 2005.  The initial purpose of my blog was to...

Use Pinterest To Promote Your Blog

When most bloggers think about publicizing their blog, they turn to Facebook and Instagram. But I’d argue that Pinterest is a powerful social media tool, too. It allows users to “pin” things that interest them to digital “boards” inside the program. For example, I...

Take The Right Step: Setting Up A Blog

I was listening to an interview with computer security expert Bruce Schneier this weekend and he brought up a very good point… There’s a difference between feeling safe and being safe, he said. It’s an important distinction because you can actually feel very safe when...

A Successful Travel Blog Can Boost Your Writing Career

What would you do if a major daily newspaper travel editor called you out of the blue one day to offer you a job as a travel writer? Well, that’s what can happen when you build a successful travel blog. Four travel columnists for The Denver Post know exactly how it...

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