How To Land FAM Trips From Your Travel Blog

As I watch the snowflakes coming down outside the window of my cozy home office, I’m reminded of how my travel-blogging career is much like a snowball. You see, the more I write about trips I take, the more momentum I gain in sponsored trips (or FAM trips), social...

5 Ways To Make Money By Blogging

In the past, I’ve worked as a journalist and press officer—as well as being a qualified personal trainer and fitness instructor. Combining my media skills with my love of fitness and nutrition, I started my own blog, Sweat Like A Pig, four years ago. Never did I...

Writing A Travel Blog Offers Freedom And Flexibility

Coming in from clearing the snow off the driveway for the umpteenth time last winter, my husband, face red and numb from the cold, announced “We’re going somewhere warm next year. No more Midwest winters.” Now I don’t usually take too kindly to being told what to do,...

Blogging Is A Great Way To Break Into Travel Writing

I know how it is. I’ve been there, longing to be a travel writer but not knowing where to begin, wondering whether anyone would even read what I wrote. And when would I have time to write? After all, I had a full-time job and a family to take care of. So I put my...

How to grow an audience to your blog

How to grow an audience to your blog

Pop quiz: What do the following pairs have in common? Comedians Stephen Colbert and Jimmy Fallon. The Beatles and TV host Ed Sullivan. Or more recently, Kenny G and Katy Perry. Any guesses? These artists and entertainers are each famous in their own right. But they...

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