For more about how you can get started with photography today, visit:

“There’s winning and there’s learning, but there is no losing.”

When you’re first getting started with photography, it’s important to remember this theme: “There’s winning and there’s learning, but there is no losing.”

At our photography workshops, we note that beginner photographers often become discouraged when presented with the fabulous photos taken by the professional instructors. But they shouldn’t. The only way to become a great photographer is to take pictures. You don’t lose when you take a bad photo – you learn.

And while the journey from beginner to expert photographer may be a long one –that’s part of what makes it fun. And we like to focus on the fun in our workshops and programs.

In fact, most of our pro instructors didn’t start as career photographers. Photography started as a hobby for them and later transitioned to a career. Or they were travelers who happen to sell their photos and make a living at it. They are just people who like to take pictures and have found a way to sell those pictures.

What makes our programs stand out from the rest is that they not only teach beginners how to take better photos, but they also show them where to sell them- and there are thousands of places to do so.

Traditional stock photography, micro stock agencies, newspapers, online and print magazines, tourism boards, hotels, resorts, chambers of commerce – the list goes on and on.   You can even sell your photos as fine art!

As we note “We are a visual society today. We are putting up more photos in our homes so there’s a huge opportunity to take photos in your local community and sell those photos as fine art. If someone has never been to Paris, they might not want a photo of the Eiffel Tower in their home. But they will put up a photo of places that mean something to them.”

Take photos in your own backyard and within 5 to 10 miles of your house. Find a unique way to capture your town – not just landmarks. Think local: the bagel shop where you get your breakfast, the high school baseball field, a back road only the locals know – the possibilities are endless.

“In my hometown all the locals take the back roads to the airport to avoid traffic delays. Along that road there’s a guy who has goats – lots of them. Goats are in the trees, on top of old cars…everywhere. Someone took a photo of that – it’s brilliant, it’s exactly what people want to buy. It sums up every airport run I have ever done. I want that photo on my wall,” explains Lori.

Here are Lori’s tips for getting started:

  • First, get a camera and practice taking photos of anything – your backyard, your kitchen, everywhere you go.
  • List the places you want to photograph. Then take those photos in every season and in all types of weather: rain, sunshine, snow, fall. Build a portfolio..
  • Learn how to edit your photos using a photo editing software like Lightroom.
  • Next it’s about printing – the way you print your photos is important.   Choose the right print shop because the paper and quality of the ink matters.
  • Approach local businesses about displaying your photos to assist with sales.

All of these might seem overwhelming, but we have done the footwork for you. Follow the link below for a free report with more helpful advice on how you can get started selling your photos today.

For more about how you can get started with photography today, visit:

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