4 Ways To Develop Strong Travel Stories That Will Sell

Connecting with people at a destination and using their quotes or insider information is a powerful story-writing tool. Here are approaches I use to develop strong travel stories editors and readers will love. Keep your eyes and ears open for opportunity When you...

4 Ways Becoming A Travel Writer Has Changed My Life

Being a free spirit, sometimes I felt trapped in the Navy. I had always dreamed of becoming a travel writer like those lucky people you read about that live in exotic locations on Caribbean islands, near golden temples in Asia or in the Tuscan countryside. You know...

Successful Travel Writers Work Smarter, Not Harder

Travel writing success is not always equal... but it’s often fair. One student might look at another student’s success and say it’s not fair that Sarah is building so many more success stories than Bill. But Sarah is working smarter than Bill, and she has a system...

5 Ways To Get Writing About Local Travel Experiences

Social media can be depressing, right? Everyone seems to post travel photos from far-flung exotic locales. Scroll down your Instagram, Twitter or Facebook feed any time of day. Go ahead. You’ll find images of the 18th-century sculpted Trevi Fountain in Italy, the...

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