How To Travel On A Limited Budget To The Places Of Your Dreams

“I haven’t been everywhere but it’s on my list!” This is one of my all-time favorite quotes by Susan Sontag. And it’s true. The list of destinations I want to visit is endless—seriously endless. I’m chipping away at it. But there’s always so much more to discover. My...

5 Tips To Help You Get Invited On Press Trips

Press trips are the Holy Grail for travel writers. When I first started writing four years ago, I couldn’t wait to land those all-inclusive invitations my more experienced colleagues were raving about. It took me a while to figure out the system, but when I did, all...

Four Travel Writing Perks Your Friends Will Seriously Envy

Last summer, I received the kind of travel assignment that reminds me how lucky I am to be working in this profession. I traveled with my young son to the northern reaches of Vermont to stay at an old sporting camp. We had our own cabin, we ate with other families in...

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