How Becoming A Travel Writer Has Changed My Life

I never cared for the expression: “Milk it for all it’s worth.” I thought it was a cringe-worthy saying that sounded selfish—even rude. However, after some big transitions in my life, I began to interpret those words in a different, more meaningful way… and it’s...

Finding The Confidence To Become A Published Writer

At 12 years old, I pictured myself as a published writer, pushing through adoring fans at book signings and appearing on TV shows, sharing my wisdom with young Chuck Warren wannabes. Then, I spent the next four decades doing absolutely nothing to accomplish that goal....

6 Reasons I Love My Alternative Retirement

When I first retired from teaching public school music, I relished days filled by long lunches with friends, afternoons spent leisurely reading Southern Living while sipping sweet tea, then preparing a nice dinner for my Silver Fox (a.k.a. my husband of 47 years). But...

Choose A Writing Niche And Get Paid To Have Fun

Before I became a travel writer at the Ultimate Travel Writer’s Workshop, my 9-to-5 existence involved working as a corporate recruiter in the architecture and engineering fields. That meant spending the bulk of my day reviewing resumes and discussing job descriptions...

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