3 Ways New Writers Can Find Writing Opportunities

I’m a “reformed accountant turned travel writer.” As I travel the world, I write about my passions—boating, food and wine, history, and culture. (I don’t have a journalism degree, by the way. I didn’t need one to find success in this field.) In fact, travel writing is...

How Travel Blogging Is A Great Start For New Writers

When I agreed to become a regular contributor for a local regional blog, as well as the blog for my Convention and Visitors Bureau, I had no idea how much these travel blogging assignments would hone and cultivate my writing skills. Looking back, it’s probably one of...

How Travel Writing Helped Me Make Money Overseas

2014 was an extraordinary year for me.  Not only did I quit my six-figure job, but I also sold everything and moved to Colombia, South America with my husband. Adventurous? Maybe. Crazy? Not in the least.  I called it my leap of faith. A major life change in my 40s...

5 Tips To Help You Find Writing Inspiration Every Day

A critical key to successful travel writing is to stay inspired and motivated. Travel writers are a unique group of people who are acutely observant and independent and have a need for expression… but they can often suffer from lack of creative inspiration. Creative...

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