My Fine-Art Import Business Is More Than Just An Income

For years I’ve collected folk art from vacation travel in numerous countries. Friends would ask if/when I’d bring back anything to sell to them. In the far back of my mind was the thought that someday I could own an import store. But since I was heavily involved in...

My Online Business Earns $13K A Month While I Sail The World

I’m Elin Rose, 28-year-old Icelandic sailing enthusiast, ecommerce addict, and Amazon consultant. I sail in the North Atlantic and run my Amazon and eBay business on the mile! I chose this lifestyle because I wanted to escape from a 9-5 job and not have to answer to a...

Starting An Online Store With Shopify In 5 Easy Steps

Starting an online store has never been easier than with Shopify (www.shopify.com). You may get excited and want to jump right in, but if you take a little time to prepare before going to Shopify the first time, the setup process will be even quicker and smoother, and...

Suitcase Importer: Travel And Shop For Profit

I used to get a lot of questions about my folk art collection: “Ohhhh, that (textile, doll, painting, necklace, weaving) is so beautiful. What country is it from?”  “When are you going back?”  “Will you shop for me?”  I have a passion for traveling to meet global...

Find The Right Product For Your Import Business

When I think about success in import/export, I’m always inspired by Marc Charles, the creator of our Importing Fortunes program.  Marc’s a big business builder—he once helped a startup with an initial budget of less than $2,000 grow to $6 million in sales in just 36...

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