No More Excuses: Start A Travel Blog Now

There’s a “Dear Abby” column from 1994 that always struck me as particularly important, and for about a decade I carried the clipping around in my wallet until finally it disintegrated from being folded and unfolded so many times. In the column, a 36-year-old woman...

Giving Up A Full-Time Job For the Freedom Of Travel Blogging

The day my corporate job was eliminated, my husband and I celebrated. Sure, I was scared—after all, I was losing a good income. But my excitement for my newfound freedom overshadowed my fear. I could now more fully follow my dream of traveling—and writing about it.  I...

3 Cool Blogs To Inspire You When Starting A Travel Blog

I’d like to switch topics this week to the idea of starting a travel blog.   So many of our readers want one.  But if you want to make money from your blog, you need to set it up the right way. Let’s start by looking at a few healthy blogs worthy of emulation, and...

Top 6 Perks Of Travel Blogging

Many people dream about getting paid to travel the world, yet so few make it happen. It was my dream, too. But I didn’t just give it lip service; I made a plan to accomplish that goal. A big part of that was creating my travel blog, Luggage and Lipstick. A travel blog...

Starting A Blog? Beware These Top 3 Blunders

Now that everyone’s on Facebook, everyone’s a writer. Everyone has an opinion that they believe the world deserves to hear – and many of them are right.  Too bad, though, that much of that writing is more about writers’ needs to be heard than about enlightening the...

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