Playing the Field with Stock Photo Agencies

Last Monday, I told you that pro stock photographer Shelly Perry gave me two suggestions for success in stock: 1. Play the field. When you’re starting out, try submitting your photos to multiple agencies instead of sticking to just one. 2. Keep up your momentum. Keep...

This Photo Earned Her $1,000…

All week, we’ve been talking about how much photo income opportunity surrounds us… all the time. Today’s issue, from stock photographer Shelly Perry, is proof that it pays -- more than $1,000, in this case -- to keep your eyes peeled.  Scroll down for details… -- Lori...

Workshop Photos that Made the Cut

Earlier this week, I mentioned that reader Caroline Maryan got two photos accepted in her iStock application… and that they were both photos that she took at our Stock Photo Workshop with Lise Gagné last August. I caught up with Caroline to see which...

The Week of Money: Residual Income

This week’s editorial is all about the money side of stock photography. Professional stock photographer Jani Bryson knows this side well.  Having just gone through painful knee surgery, Jani was out of work for four weeks.  But Jani’s stock...

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