Photo Tip: Working the Image

Here’s this week’s photo tip, from professional photographer Shelly Perry, on playing with the angles and focus of your shot to get your most saleable image… -- Lori Lori Allen Director, Great Escape Publishing ******************* WORKING THE IMAGE When you plan a...

Pop Quiz: Which Photo Sells More?

Pop quiz: Which of these pictures do you think would be more saleable:  A woman in a business suit, or a 20-something guy in a sweatshirt? Answer: For professional stock photographer Shelly Perry it’s the guy in a sweatshirt. You see, Shelly’s top-selling images have...

Rich Answers Common Reader Photo Questions

My stint as guest editor here is coming to a close. I’ve received lots of emails over the course of the week with questions about photography and our upcoming photo workshop in New Orleans. So before I sign off, I wanted to answer a few of the ones that came up most...

Rich Wagner’s Take on AWAI Photo Workshops

I’m not a big fan of goodbyes. “See you later” is my exit of choice. But like it or not, my week as guest editor at The Right Way to Travel has come to an end. Before I sign off, though, let me give you my take on AWAI’s Photography Workshops. Even though I’m one of...

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