Photo Tip: Selling Photos to Magazines, Step One

No matter where you're submitting your images, it's critically important to read and follow the guidelines. Any place that accepts photo submissions -- whether it's a newspaper, magazine, gallery, stock site, or contest -- will have some specific requirements and...

How to Look Thinner Photo Tip #2: How to Stand

This full-body pose is the quickest way to look slimmer in photos – and it works on almost everyone.  Just flip through a beauty magazine and you’ll see models and celebrities doing it on every page. Here’s how to do it, step by step: ** 1.) A person’s body positioned...

How to Look Thinner in Photos: Double Chins

Yesterday I told you about our new e-book: How to Look 10 Pounds Thinner and 20 Years Younger in Every Photo You Take.  And I said the tips inside are so good, I’ve pulled three of them out for this week’s newsletter to run as a special How-to-Look-Good-in-Photographs...

Photo Tip: Using Perspective to Create Humor

This month's photo challenge theme Laughable Photographable has brought in a lot of funny pictures. Several of them, I noticed, have one thing in common.  And that one thing is actually the element that makes the photograph funny. It's the photographer's unusual...

Photo Tip: How to Edit Your Photos in 3 Minutes Flat

Every image needs some processing before you can sell it as stock. Think of it like taking photos with film. When you shoot film, it doesn't come out of the camera as a finished print. What you have is the negative, which needs to be processed. Digital files straight...

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