3 Cool Camera Tricks (Including Ghosting)

Three Cool Camera Tricks You Can Try This Weekend By Cheryl Bigman in San Ramon, CA On the second night of the Charleston Photography Workshop, after the sunset shoot, professional photographer, Shelly Perry, and I decided to take a leisurely walk back to the hotel...

Photo Composition Tip: Framing

It's true -- if you can make your photographs more distinctive, you'll make them more saleable.  There are millions of pictures of the Eiffel Tower for sale, for instance, so if you want yours to stand out among them, you'll have to find a distinctive way of shooting...

Digital Photography Tip: How to Make the Most of Motion

I have had the opportunity to shoot a number of sporting events, from professional basketball to skiing, even the Winter Olympics in Calgary, Canada. During these events, I have used a number of techniques to express a sense of motion in photographs.  Panning is one...

Photo Composition Tip: The Ubiquitous Snapshot

It seems we had a slight technical glitch earlier this month, which prevented all the photo- challenge entries from posting properly on our website.  But I checked today, and lots are posted now under this month's theme, "Hospitality and Welcome." (My apologies if you...

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