April’s Photo Challenge Theme: Hospitality and Welcome

In honor of our photography workshop, coming up in Charleston, South Carolina this month, we'd like to pay tribute to Charleston's good ol' southern charm. That's why April's photo challenge theme is: HOSPITALITY AND WELCOME. Pictures might include, for example: * A...

Photo Composition Tip: Changing Perspective

Photo Composition Tip: Shooting at Eye Level If you can make your photographs more unique, you'll make them more salable too. And one way to do that is to change your "perspective," your angle. You see, most people tend to photograph from their everyday perspective. ...

Stock Agencies: What They Pay and How to Break In

THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN "TRADITIONAL" AND MICRO STOCK PHOTO AGENCIES: WHAT THEY PAY AND HOW TO BREAK IN A radical shift is underway in the world of stock photography today. Some argue it represents the death of professional photography as we know it. Others are...

Why Can’t Love and Money Coexist?

Can you make a living traveling? Barbara Winter, author of Making a Living Without a Job, says yes. "Why are we so certain that love and money cannot coexist?" she asks. (And I have to say, if the guys she tells you about here below can turn THEIR passions into...

Combining Import-Export with Travel Writing and Photography

This time, armed with all the secrets our experts divulged this past weekend, I hope Bonnie incorporates both writing and photography into her shopping trip and transform it into a truly lucrative one. Remember: Three times the income, but not three times the work. I think she’ll do it… we’ll keep you posted…

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