6 Tips To Taking More Natural Photos On Your Shoot

6 Tips To Taking More Natural Photos On Your Shoot

As a photographer, you can use your hometown as a backdrop for stock shoots—in fact, staying near home can make it easier to capture more natural photos… the kind today’s photo buyers are after..   For example, take a look at the shoot I recently did for a “Back to...

5 Important Reasons To Improve Your Camera Skills

5 Important Reasons To Improve Your Camera Skills

As a photographer, there are endless opportunities to keep learning, shooting, and developing your eye. The more you put into it, the more you’ll see your work evolve and improve. That said, here are five reasons why it’s important to first build some solid camera...

4 Tips For Selling Travel Photos As Stock

Leading a nomadic life since my husband retired in 2015, I’m lucky that I get to photograph all sorts of exotic locations for my stock portfolios. It’s a passion that keeps me happily engaged all day, every day, and it helps pay for our travels. However, when I first...

The Perfect Passive Income Opportunity For Busy People

The Perfect Passive Income Opportunity For Busy People

You’re busy, I’m busy… everyone’s so busy that months fly by before we get around to doing the things we really want to do... like selling our photos.

 Bonnie here, excited to talk about one of my favorite photo markets: stock photography. Stock is the perfect...

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