How To Create Stunning Images With Post-Processing

How To Create Stunning Images With Post-Processing

Photography is often seen as a way of capturing snippets of life—to document moments and share memories. But it’s more than just that. It’s also a wonderful creative medium with which you can express yourself and show your own vision of the world. What I’ve always...

Using Adobe Lightroom To Create Stunning Images

Using Adobe Lightroom To Create Stunning Images

When I first started photography, I had this false idea that a good photograph is one that comes straight out of the camera, and anything done afterwards in post-processing is cheating. I firmly believed that the greatest photography masters were “purists” and wanted...

Get The Right Photography Help From The Start

I bought my first camera on a whim, without any background in arts or photography. Fortunately, after a few weeks of playing with it, it turned into an unexpected passion that would turn my life upside down within a year. But even though I make it sound easy and...

Tips On Taking Photos To Accompany An Article

Taking photos to accompany an article you’ve written may seem easy at first. If your article is about, say, the five best ethnic markets in Amsterdam, you go out and take pictures of the five markets. But here is where it gets tricky. Should you take wide-angle...

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