How To Turn Your Meals Into Saleable Food Images

How To Turn Your Meals Into Saleable Food Images

Whether it’s a beautifully-presented platter at a favorite restaurant or a delicious meal we’ve cooked at home, we all love to take photos of our food before devouring it… and doing a quick post on Facebook or Instagram. But to turn those images from fun snapshots to...

How To Take Great Panorama Photos With Help From Lightroom

How To Take Great Panorama Photos With Help From Lightroom

Two weeks ago, I woke up at 4 a.m. in a tent in Patagonia, Argentina. Donning our headlamps, Jordan and I started up the side of a mountain in the dark, determined to reach the top for sunrise. We made it! And here’s my prize: I love a good panorama. Especially...

Breakfast Stock Club Reader Survey Results Are In!

I’ve poured over the responses from our Breakfast Stock Club 2017 year end survey, and I’m excited to share some highlights and insights gained from the past year. First off, I have to say that it’s truly inspiring to see the collective progress we’re making as time...

Photographing Models For Your Stock Photo Portfolios

Living in Buenos Aires last month, I wanted to take some iconic “tango” shots for my stock photo portfolios. It’s not hard to find tango dancers in Buenos Aires... just go to the main tourist areas and listen for accordion music. But when I found one, I was a nervous...

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