5 Best Things About Being A Travel Photographer

In 2002, I was in Torres del Paine National Park, Chile over the Christmas holiday.  Because of the park’s isolation, changeable weather, and rugged terrain, hotel options are limited and camping is often the only way to be in the right place at the right time—when...

Break Into Macro Photography With This Super-Cheap DIY Lens

Getting into macro photography can seem like a daunting task for the new photographer—especially since new macro gear is often expensive. But we’re about to change all that… I want to show you how to turn any of your existing lenses into a macro lens using a low-cost,...

The Pros Of Selling Your Images As Stock Photography

“You can make a nice little side income from stock photography.” I'd read those words in a few different photography magazines and had mulled over the idea of selling premium photos at rock bottom prices during conversations with friends. Was it worth it? I weighed up...

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