Take Better Photos With This Pro Tip

How do you smoke a Cuban cigar? Start with rum, of course! Bonnie, here, coming to you on Day Three of our Cuba photo expedition, where we're learning how to enjoy and photograph true Cuban pleasures... coffee, rum, music, and cigars. Most of us don't smoke anything,...

Your Holiday Stock Photo Challenge

Your Holiday Stock Photo Challenge

This month’s Breakfast Stock Club Premium Challenge is “Get Geometric,” and the idea is to spot and capture shapes in your photos. Even if you’re not a Premium member, you can still go out and photograph shapes for stock. Here are a few examples to get you started:...

How Photography Can Change Your Life

How Photography Can Change Your Life

The moment when photography grabbed me and changed the direction of my life is just as clear in my mind as if it happened yesterday.  I was six years old, and my father had just given me a cheap camera he had picked up at a resale shop. It used 120 film and allowed me...

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