How Stock Photography Works

The beautiful thing about stock photography is that it’s something anyone can do, regardless of experience. Whether you are just starting out or have been using your camera for years, stock photography is open to you. However, if you don’t understand the lingo,...

A perfect lens for stock photography

Are you using the lenses you have to the best of their ability? For example, a lot of people have a wide-angle lens amongst their photography gear, but sometimes it’s tricky to know exactly when to dig it out. A lens is considered “wide-angle” at 35mm or below. So if...

Avoid stock photography rejections with this easy trick

The most successful stock photographers almost never get photo rejections from agencies. It happens, but not that often. Is it because their photos are always perfect? No. It’s because they have a few tricks up their sleeve. And one of those tricks is...

Play With Light: Create A Starburst In Your Photo

Play With Light: Create A Starburst In Your Photo

Lori calls me the master of light but that’s exactly what all photographers are really.  They’re light manipulators and the best ones are called pros. If you can learn how to manipulate light, you’ll set yourself apart, too.  And here’s a great way to start… Creating...

Great Escape Radio Episode 1: The Introduction

Great Escape Radio Episode 1: The Introduction

For more about how you can get started with travel writing today, visit: dev.greatescapepublishing.com/travelwriting.   At Great Escape Publishing, our philosophy is simple: to show you how to enjoy a life of travel, adventure, creativity, and freedom – and earn a...

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