What to do if your stock photo is rejected

Everyone who uploads images to stock agencies gets rejections from time to time. It’s just part of the game. When you’re starting out, it can be discouraging. But really, it’s no big deal. Here’s what an actual rejection from Shutterstock looks like: See? It’s not so...

Keywording tips to increase your stock photo sales

Often, a reader says something like this: “Ok, I got a bunch of photos accepted into stock agencies, but nothing is happening. Now what?” Of course, there are many possible answers to this question, but one of the biggest ways to make your stock photos sell has...

Valerie’s Story: How To Win A Photo Contest

Valerie’s Story: How To Win A Photo Contest

I never actually believed I could win a photo contest.  In fact, when I submitted my first photos to a stock agency called BigStock Photo back in 2009, I wasn’t too surprised months afterward when they still hadn’t sold.  Three years later, having signed up to receive...

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