Three ingredients for best-selling stock photos

The last two weeks we’ve been talking about photos that don’t sell. Today, let’s take a look at a few Breakfast Stock Club reader photos that DO sell as stock. These all came in via the Breakfast Stock Club Facebook page, when we asked readers to share their...

Two fun ways to blur your photos

Here’s something you already know, and something you may not have considered... You May Know: Blurring out the background of an image is one of the quickest ways to separate your photos from snapshots. It helps you make an impact by immediately drawing your viewer’s...

3 Travel Photography Tips To Make Your Images More Saleable

3 Travel Photography Tips To Make Your Images More Saleable

We’ve been up at the crack of dawn to photograph morning ascension of all the hot-air balloons… we’ve been out late at night taking pictures of the evening glow and fireworks. We’ve been through a cooking class where we learned to make chile rellenos and pecan bread...

Tips for taking photos in harsh light conditions

Tips for taking photos in harsh light conditions

Take a look at these two photos below.  They were taken just seconds apart.  One is a professional image that could sell over and over again as stock. The other is a snapshot (probably destined for my trash folder). Can you guess which is which? Lori asked me to break...

The Perfect Travel Lens

Last week, I went backpacking in a gorgeous spot just south-east of Portland. I’d seen photos of it online, and it looked amazing. But I didn’t want to add another six pounds of camera and lenses to my already-heavy backpack. So I opted for one of my favorite lenses....

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