5 Reasons To Break Into Videography This Year

You probably already know your smartphone shoots video… and maybe you even own a DSLR or Micro Four Thirds camera that can shoot video… but you never looked into creating videos for income the same way you looked into photography. Maybe you think videos are way too...

Why Savvy Travel Writers Should Start Experimenting With Video

Most marketing experts agree that video is the future of online content. Don’t worry—this doesn’t mean that writing and still photography are going away anytime soon; people love reading and gazing at beautiful images. However, it does mean that savvy travel writers...

How Taking Short Video Clips Can Enhance Your Writing

I was talking recently with a fellow writer about the state of magazines when the topic of video came up. He rolled his eyes. "I want nothing to do with it," he said. "I just want to write. I don't want to have to worry if I framed the shot correctly." While I could...

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