Follow These Pro Shooting Habits To Sell Travel Videos

Companies want to sell more travel packages… and when it comes to creating commercial tourism videos, there’s one thing they’re looking for: emotion.  They want videos that evoke emotions in their potential clients -- emotions that make them yearn for a certain...

How To Create Simple Smart Phone Videos You Can Sell

A lot of people think that making professional travel videos is hard to do or difficult to learn… or that you need a lot of expensive equipment to make something really great.  So, they put off learning and leave potential income on the table -- income that could pay...

Tips For Shooting Video In Your Hometown Or National Park

I’ve been filming scenes all over the world for quite some time and really enjoy the process. On top of that, I make good money from those videos, and you can, too. It’s easier than you might think. One thing my students always tell me is how much fun… and...

Video Challenge: Win $1,000 And Create Short Videos You Can Sell

What would you do with an extra $1,000? Buy a new lens?  Upgrade your camera bag?  Take a trip?  Hire a professional organizer or interior decorator?  Pre-order the new iPhone 8?  Buy a new drone?  Go to Thailand? I’m announcing a $1,000 challenge this week… and, over...

Great Escape Radio Episode 63: Skill vs Equipment

Great Escape Radio Episode 63: Skill vs Equipment

“Investment in your skill brings confidence and confidence brings opportunities.” – Lori Allen Great Escape Radio Host, Jody Maberry and Director, Lori Allen discuss the basics of getting started in photography: what equipment you need and which investment is more...

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